Page 1 - Tmax XT White Paper Smart Grid
P. 1


          SMART GRID
          Smart Grid Interface

          Protection System

          Next level solutions

                                             Ekip UP   Tmax XT Emax 2

          —                Embedding microgrid protection
          01                                                           Such disconnection is usually carried out by an
          Tmax XT                                                      Interface Device that trips after receiving an
                           in  a single device with Emax 2,
          02                                                           opening command sent by an external Interface
          Emax 2           Tmax XT & Ekip UP Interface                 Protection System.
          03               Protection System (IPS).
          Ekip UP                                                      With Emax 2 and Tmax XT, ABB designed a unique
                                                                       integrated solution which embeds both functions
                           The connection of active users to Utility network   of  Interface Protection System (IPS) and
                           is subject to local standards requirements.    Interface Device (ID).
                           In particular, A unit of power generation such as
                           solar or wind generation that is installed in user’s   Moreover, with Ekip UP you can take advantage of
                           plant shall be disconnected from the grid   the same functionalities even if various circuit
                           whenever the voltage and frequency values of the    breakers - either by ABB or by other
                           grid itself are out of range specified by standard.
                                                                       manufacturers -  are installed in your system.

                      02                                               This advanced feature is possible thanks to the
                                                                       implementation of several interface protections
                                                                       into  Ekip G Hi-Touch trip unit installed on board
        —                                                              of  low-voltage circuit breakers and built-in inside
                                                                       Ekip UP Protect+ or Ekip UP Control+ digital units.
                                                                       Today, the embedded IPS is suitable for the
                                                  —                    connection of active users as specified by main
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