Page 3 - Arc Guard System - TVOC-2
P. 3

          Read this first

          Warning and safety

          Thank you for selecting this ABB TvOC-2 Arc Guard   General safety information
          System™. Carefully read and make sure that you
          understand all instructions before you mount, connect,
          configure the Arc Guard System.                           WARNING

          This manual is intended for installation and maintenance   Only authorized and appropriately trained
          of the TvOC-2 Arc Guard System.                           personnel are allowed to install and make the
                                                                    electrical connection of the Arc Guard System™
          The manual is available on:
                                                                    in accordance with existing laws and regulations.


          •  Only authorized and appropriately trained personnel    Examine the Arc Guard System™ and the
            are allowed to install and make the electrical          package when you unpack your new product.
            connection of the Arc Guard System™ in accordance       If there are damages, please contact the
            with existing laws and regulations.                     transportation company or the ABB reseller/
          •  Only authorized personnel are allowed to do service    office immediately.
            and repair on the Arc Guard System.
          •  Unauthorized repair will effect the warranty.          Only authorized and appropriately trained
          •  This manual is a part of the TvOC-2 Arc Guard System.    service personnel are allowed to do service
            Always keep this manual available when working with     and repair on the Arc Guard System. Note:
            the TvOC-2 Arc Guard System.                            unauthorized repair will effect the warranty.
          •  Examine the Arc Guard System™ and the package
            when you unpack your new product. If there are    Personal
            damages, please contact the transportation company
            or the ABB reseller/office immediately.                 Service and repair should be performed
                                                                    by authorized personnel only. Note that
          Safety notes                                              unauthorized repair affects safety and warranty.
          In this user manual, these symbols are used:

               General warning symbol indicates the presence
               of a hazard which could result in personal injury
               and damage to equipment or property.
               Warning symbol indicates the presence of
               hazardous voltage which could result in
               personal injury.
               Information sign alerts the reader to relevant
               facts and conditions.

          Modifications to data in this manual can be applied
          without notice.
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