Page 13 - Drive_in_box_31102023
P. 13
Turbidity reduction Soft pipe fill
When a pump starts as The soft pipe fill function
slow as possible, it creates manages the pressure
the lowest turbidity values of water by filling the
for the water being moved pipeline with a gentle
or extracted. When you approach. This helps to
combine quick ramps and avoid sudden pressure
long normal ramps, the peaks and reduces the
drive will protect and run risk of water hammer
submersible pumps in the which can cause
most optimal way. damage to the water
Sensorless flow
calculation Dry run protection
Measures the amount This function prevents the
of water flowing without pump from running dry.
the need for external The water pump shaft
sensors. This enables you and impeller are rotating
to reduce costs as there at fast rates. If there is
is no need for setting no dry pump protection,
up and using additional the released heat can
sensors or back up the damage the pump over
flow meters to avoid time, limiting its lifetime.
interruptions in the
The cavitation detection
Quick-ramp function slows down the
Protect bearings when pump speed or stops the
a submersible pump is pump when cavitation
started without water. occurs. Cavitation can
Quick ramp allows your happen in flow systems
pump to reach optimal when the pressure in inlet
speed to extend pump side suddenly drops. It
life, ensure operation causes vapor bubbles
and prevent unplanned and when the bubbles
outages. collapse, they can be
destructive to a pump‘s
internal components.
Pump cleaning
Keeps the impeller of
the pump clean by
running a sequence
of aggressive ramps
between configurable
pump speeds.
Drive in a Box | 13
Drive in a Box | 13