Page 6 - OTDC-High-Current-Switch
P. 6


          Technical data
          Switch ratings, IEC

                           Switch types                OT1600E02-135  OT1600E22-135  OT1600E04-135  OT1600E22-135
                           Number of poles             2              4             4             4
                           Connection type             1              2             3             3
                           DC-20B rating, 1500 V   A   1600           1600          2500          2500
                           AC-20B rating, 1000 V   A   1600           1600          2500          2500
                           Support distance 150 mm
          Rated short-time   (with busbars)      kA    50             50            65            65
          withstand current,
          lcw 0.3 s        Support distance 400 mm
                           (with cables)         kA    36             36            50            50
          Max. Let-through   Support distance 150 mm
          Peak Current when   (with busbars)     kA    110            110 (*120)    140           176
          protected with Fuses   Support distance 400 mm
          or Circuit Breaker  (with cables)      kA    76             76            105           105
          Max. Let-through   Support distance 150 mm
          Energy when protected  (with busbars)   MA2s  88            88 (*154)     210           339
          with Fuses or Circuit   Support distance 400 mm
          Breaker          (with cables)         MA2s  43             43            115           115
         *) Busbars supported on both sides of the switch contact terminals

                                                                          OT2500E04-135,     OT2500E04-135,
                           Switch types                OT2500E02-135      OT2500E22-135      OT2500E22-135
                           Number of poles             2                  4                  4
                           Connection type             1                  2                  3
                           DC-20B rating, 1500 V   A   2500               2500               4000
                           AC-20B rating, 1000 V   A   2500               2500               4000
         Rated short-time
         withstand current,   Support distance 180 mm
         lcw 0.3 s         (with busbars)        kA    80                 80                 100
         Max. Let-through
         Peak Current when
         protected with Fuses   Support distance 180 mm
         or Circuit Breaker  (with busbars)      kA    176                176                220
         Max. Let-through
         Energy when protected
         with Fuses or Circuit   Support distance 180 mm
         Breaker           (with busbars)        MA2s  363                363                616


                               Busbar support distances
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11