Page 47 - Semi Conductor use application guide
P. 47
(c) other principal symbols used in this guide
r.m.s. root-mean-square
In nominal continuous current rating A
In’ continuous current rating in a real-world application A
I instantaneous curren A
I t integral of i over a specifi ed period of time A s
temperature ºC
o reference ambient temperature ºC
a ambient temperature in a real-world application ºC
F instantaneous voltage across fuse V
K I t correction factor (for applied voltage)
VPK peak arc voltage of fuse V
Meyer’s constant A s mm- 4
A cross-sectional area mm 2
A.C. circuit
V r.m.s. source voltage V
I r.m.s. prospective (available) short-circuit current A
f frequency Hz
angular frequency ( = 2 f ) rad/s
L inductance H
R resistance
angular instant at which short-circuit occurs w.r.t. voltage rad
circuit power-factor angle (= tan vv L/R ) rad
X circuit inductive reactance (= vv L )
D.C. circuit
VDC source voltage V
T circuit time constant (= L/R ) s
IRMS effective r.m.s. current for a specifi ed time A
cyclic loading
r.m.s. current which will cause melting in a specifi ed time A
IRMS r.m.s. current over a complete cycle A
pu RMS per-unit r.m.s. loading ( = IRMS /In )
KN , x, y parameters in cyclic endurance equation
N number of cycles
highest peak-to-peak temperature excursion within fuse °C