Page 411 - V17
P. 411

HMI Panels


                                               GRAPHITE  HMI
        Features:                               Display
           - Configured using Crimson® 3 software (Free)  Size   Brightness   Resolution   Communication  Application  Part No.
           - Supply voltage 10 - 30V DC         (in)  (cd/m²)   (pixels)
           - Sleek full touchscreens            7     500       800 x 480                Indoor      G07C0000
           - Optional Ethernet & serial ports   7     1000      800 x 480                Outdoor     G07S0000
           - On-board data logging to SD card or FTP
           - Protocol conversion with over +300 protocols  9  400  800 x 480             Indoor      G09C0000
           - Built-in web server for remote access  9  400      800 x 480                Indoor      G09C1000 (1)
           - IEC 61131 logic                    10    450       640 x 480                Indoor      G10C0000
           - Easy to add I/O capability with Graphite    10  450  640 x 480  Ethernet -    Indoor    G10C1000 (1)
          plug-in modules                       10    400       800 x 600  1 x 10/100 Base  Indoor   G10R0000
           - Outdoor sunlight-readable and      10    400       800 x 600                Indoor      G10R1000 (1)
          widescreen models                     10    2500      640 x 480  Serial -      Outdoor     G10S0000
           - Expansion options                  10    2500      640 x 480  1 x RS-232    Outdoor     G10S1000 (1)
                                                                          1 x RS-422/485
           - High shock and vibration tolerance
           - Rugged, die-cast aluminum housing  12    400       1280 x 800               Indoor      G12C0000
           - Extended temperature -20˚C to 60˚ C  12  400       1280 x 800               Indoor      G12C1100 (2)
           - CE, UL/cUL, UL/cUL Hazardous, ATEX, IECEx   12  1600  1280 x 800            Outdoor     G12S1100 (2)
          and ABS approvals                     15    400       1024 x 768               Indoor      G15C0000
                                                15    400       1024 x 768               Indoor      G15C1100 (2)
                                               (1)  With auxiliary Ethernet port
                                               (2)  With auxiliary Ethernet and dual RS-485 ports

                                               PROTECTIVE SHEET FILM FOR GRAPHIC DISPLAYS
                       G07C0000                 To Suit         Description                          Part No.
                                                G07                                                  G0FILM07
                                                G09                                                  G0FILM09
                                                G10             Pack of ten protective films         G0FILM10
                                                G12                                                  G0FILM12
                                                G15                                                  G0FILM15


                                               ADAPTOR PANELS
                                                Description                                          Part No.
                                                Adaptor Panel G306 to G07                            G3AD0607
                                                Adaptor Panel G308 to G07                            G3AD0807
                                                Adaptor Panel G310 to G09                            G3AD1009
                                                Adaptor Panel G310 to G10                            G3AD1010
                                                Adaptor Panel G310 to G12                            G3AD1012
                                                Adaptor Panel G315 to G15 or CR300015                G3AD1515

                                               SD CARDS
                                                Description                                          Part No.
                                                1GB SD Card for configuration files, data logging and custom applications  SD001G00
                                                2GB SD Card for configuration files, data logging and custom applications  SD002G00

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