Page 425 - V17
P. 425

Process Meters & Controllers


         PM-50 Selection Table

                                 PM-50 (Model 04)                        PM-50 (Model 03)
         DIN Meter Size          1/8 DIN                                 1/16 DIN
         Display                 Graphical Touch Screen: 4.3" (109mm)    Graphical Touch Screen: 3.5" (89mm)
                                 DC Current, DC Voltage, Resistance, RTD, Thermocouple  DC Current, DC Voltage, Resistance, RTD, Thermocouple
         Analogue Input Models
                                 and Process                             and Process
         Digital Input Models    Counter and Rate                        Counter and Rate
         Set points              Dual SS On-board, Optional Dual Relay and Quad Relay  Dual SS On-board, Optional Dual Relay and Quad Relay
         Communications          Wi-Fi, Modbus/RS485, Optional Ethernet, RS232  Wi-Fi, Modbus/RS485, Optional Ethernet, RS232
         Retransmitted Analogue Output  Optional 0/4 - 20mA or 0 - 10V DC  Optional 0/4 - 20mA or 0 - 10V DC
         Power Source            10 - 30V DC, Optional AC Power Module   10 - 30V DC, Optional  AC Power Module
                                 Programming/Monitoring App, Web Browser, Smart   Programming/Monitoring App, Web Browser, Smart
         Other Features                                                                                             4
                                 Device Connectivity                     Device Connectivity

                  3.5” Full colour                                                         4.3” Full colour
              graphical touchscreen                                                        graphical touchscreen

              Single screen display,                                                       Dual screen display, swipe
              swipe for an additional                                                      for an additional 2 screens
                      4 screens

                  Easily replaces                                                          Easily replaces
                 1 16 DIN products                                                         1 8 DIN products

         EASY TO READ                       EASY TO USE                        EASY TO EXPAND
         Large displays — 3.5” or 4.3”      Select from a collection of intuitive screens,   Output, communications and AC power
         User-selectable and colourful visuals present   alter meter elements to reveal critical data  functionality with stackable field installable
         critical operational data for quick look insights.  with minimal interaction.  modules.

         EASY TO CONNECT                    EASY TO SET UP                     EASY TO UPGRADE
         In addition to Ethernet, Modbus/RS485, and   On-device programming wizard set-up on  Easily replace any meter in an 1/8 or 1/16 DIN
         RS232 communications, experience true   every PM-50. Alternatively, program it using a   panel cutout and turn on the Wi-Fi.
         wire-free connectivity with Wi-Fi capability.  web browser or mobile apps.

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