Page 437 - V17
P. 437

Process Meters & Controllers


                                               CUB4 ANALOGUE METERS
        Features:                                           Rated Supply   Measurement
           - Low power (9 - 28V DC)             Function    Voltage (V)  Inputs    Display Screen Type  Part No.
           - 0.6” (15mm) high LED digits                               4 - 20mA,   4-Digit LED
           - Configurable via dip switches and dials        Loop Powered  10 - 50mA  Reflective LCD  CUB4LP00
           - Degree of protection: Front Panel - IP65  Process                     4-Digit LED
           - Dimensions (mm): 75 x 39 x 50 (W x H x D)      Loop Powered  4 - 20mA,   Red Backlight   CUB4LP40
                                                                       10 - 50mA
                                                                                   (Positive Transflective)
                                                                       ±1.999V,    4-Digit LED
                                                            9 - 28 DC                                CUB4V000
                                                                       ±19.99V,    Reflective LCD
                                                DC Voltage
                                                                       ±199.9mV,   4-Digit LED
                                                            9 - 28 DC              Red Backlight     CUB4V020
                                                                       ±19.99V,    (Negative Transmissive)
                       CUB4V020                                        ±199.9V
                                                                       RTD Types   5-Digit LED
                                                            9 - 26 DC  Pt385, Pt392,   Reflective LCD  CUB4RT00
                                                                       Ni672, Cu427
                                                                       RTD Types   5-Digit LED
                                                            9 - 26 DC  Pt385, Pt392,   Red Backlight   CUB4RT20
                                                                       Ni672, Cu427  (Negative Transmissive)
                                                                       Types T, E, J,   5-Digit LED
                                                            9 - 26 DC                                CUB4TC00
                                                                       K, R, S, B, N,   Reflective LCD
                                                                       or mV
                                               - Yellow/Green backlight version available upon request

                                               CUB4 DIGITAL COUNTERS
        Features                                            Rated Supply   Measurement   Display Screen
           - Internal battery for uninterrupted operation  Function  Voltage (V)  Inputs  Type       Part No.
           - 0.46” (12mm) high LED digits                              5kHz Push-Pull,
           - Configurable via dip switches and dials        3.6V Lithium   NPN, PNP,   6-Digit LED
           - Battery versions require external power for backlight  Battery  Logic Pickups   Reflective LCD  CUB4L000
           - Degree of protection: Front Panel - IP65                  (Maximum 28V DC)
           - Dimensions (mm): 75 x 39 x 34.5 (W x H x D)               5kHz Push-Pull,   6-Digit LED
                                                            3.6V Lithium   NPN, PNP,   Red Backlight   CUB4L020
                                                            Battery    Logic Pickups   (Negative
                                                                       (Maximum 28V DC)  Transmissive)
                                                                       5kHz Push-Pull,
                                                            3.6V Lithium   NPN, PNP,   8-Digit LED   CUB4L800
                                                            Battery    Logic Pickups   Reflective LCD
                                                                       (Maximum 28V DC)
                                                                       5kHz Push-Pull,   8-Digit LED
                                                            3.6V Lithium   NPN, PNP,   Red Backlight
                       CUB4L000                             Battery    Logic Pickups   (Negative     CUB4L820
                                                                       (Maximum 28V DC)  Transmissive)
                                               - Yellow/Green backlight version available upon request

                                               1300 556 601  |  |  V17-R06                       437
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