Page 459 - V17
P. 459

Timers & Control Relays


                                        VOLTAGE MONITORING RELAY - THREE PHASE
        Features:                                            Rated Supply   Time Delay
           - Two output contacts with independent   Function  Voltage (V)  Range (s)   Contacts    Part No.
          or parallel operation
           - Memory function and RESET button on   Mains with Neutral Monitoring
          the front panel                Over/Undervoltage, Phase
                                         Phase Symmetry, Phase            Time Delay t1:
                                         Failure             230 AC, 400 AC,  Maximum 200ms   2CO, 16A  HRN-43N
                                         Upper Adjustable Level   24 AC/DC  Time Delay t2:
                                         (U max ): 138 - 276V             0.1 - 10s
                                         Bottom Adjustable Level
                                         (U min ): 35 - 99% Umax
                                        -  Module width: 52mm

                                        VOLTAGE MONITORING RELAY - THREE PHASE ADJUSTABLE LEVELS

                                                             Rated Supply   Time Delay
                                         Function                                      Contacts    Part No.
                                                             Voltage (V)  Range (s)
                                         Mains Monitoring
                                         Over/Undervoltage, Phase                                                   4
                                         Phase Failure                    Time Delay t1:
                                         Measurement of                   Maximum 500ms
                                         Three Phase Mains    From Monitored  Time Delay t2:
                                         (3 x 400V)          Voltage      0.1 - 10s    1CO, 8A     HRN-54
                     HRN-54              Upper Adjustable Level           Time Delay t3:
                                         (U max ): 420 - 500V             Maximum 1s
                                         Bottom Adjustable Level
                                         (U  ): 300 - 380V
                                         Mains with Neutral Monitoring
                                         Over/Undervoltage, Phase
                                         Sequence,                        Time Delay t1:
                                         Phase Failure                    Maximum 500ms
                                         Measurement of                   Time Delay t2:
                                         Three Phase Mains   From Monitored   0.1 - 10s  1CO, 8A   HRN-54N
                                         (3 x 400V/230V)     Voltage      Time Delay t3:
                                         Upper Adjustable Level           Maximum 1s
                     HRN-54N             (U max ): 242 - 288V + 5%
                                         Bottom Adjustable Level
                                         (U min ): 173 - 219V + 5%
                                        -  Module width: 17.6mm

                                        VOLTAGE MONITORING RELAY  - THREE PHASE FIXED LEVELS
                                                             Rated Supply   Time Delay
                                         Function                                      Contacts    Part No.
                                                             Voltage (V)  Range (s)
                                         Mains Monitoring
                                                                          Time Delay t1:
                                         Phase Sequence,
                                         Phase Failure                    Maximum 500ms
                                         Measurement of      From Monitored  Time Delay t2:  1CO, 8A  HRN-55
                                         Three Phase Mains    Voltage     0.1 - 10s
                                         (3 x 400V)                       Time Delay t3:
                                                                          Maximum 1s
                     HRN-55             -  Module width: 17.6mm

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