Page 525 - V17
P. 525

Position Switches


                                       U 432 SERIES
        Features:                                                    Contacts  Dimensions
           - Housing material - metal   Termination  Actuating   Switching   (mm)     Reference No.  Part No.
           - Switching points and contact        Element    Action   NO  NC  W x H x D
          function adjustable                    Short Roller
           - Actuator head can be repositioned   Lever      Slow     0   2   62 x 176 x 50  UV3H 432Y  101060537
          in steps 4 x 90°              M20 Screw   Adjustable   Action
           - Continuous adjustment of lever   Terminals  Roller Lever  Double   0  2  62 x 215 x 50  UV7H 432Y  101060545
          position 360° where suited             Offset Roller   Break
           - Lever can be transposed by 180°     Lever               1   1   62 x 118 x 50  UK 432Y-1S-1OE  101055024
          where suited
           - U 432 has 2 switching contacts
           - U 434 has 4 switching contacts  U 434 SERIES

                                                 Actuating   Switching   Contacts  Dimensions
                                        Termination                          (mm)     Reference No.  Part No.
                                                 Element    Action   NO  NC  W x H x D
                                                 Short Roller        2   2   62 x 223 x 50 UV3H 434Y  101060633
                                                 Lever      Slow
                                        M20 Screw   Short Roller   Action
                                        Terminals  Lever    Double   2   2   62 x 185 x 50  UVH 434Y-M20  101175233
                                                 Offset Roller   Break
                                                 Lever               0   4   62 x 165 x 50  UK 434Y-4OE  101087732

            101060537    101060633

                                       BS655 SERIES
        Features:                                                   Contacts  Dimensions
           - Housing material - metal   Termination  Actuating   Switching   (mm)     Reference No.  Part No.
           - Platform concept with different     Element    Action  NO  NC  W x H x D
          function units                                    Snap
           - Symmetry thanks to toothed,                    Action  2   2             BS655-Z22      153031621 (1)
          centrally located shaft                           Slow
           - Central connection terminal  M25 Screw   Without   Action  2  2          BS655-T22      153031629 (1)
           - Different actuating elements  Terminals  Lever  Snap           188 x 105 x 119
           - Actuating elements adjustable                  Action  2   2             BS655-Z22-G230  153031625 (2)
          in 10 steps                                       Snap
           - Switching point setting                        Action  2   2             BS655-Z22-G115  153031642 (3)
                                         Indicator lamp not included
                                         Indicator lamp red, 230V AC
                                         Indicator lamp red, 115V AC

                    153031642          BS656 SERIES
                                                 Actuating   Switching   Contacts  Dimensions
                                        Termination                         (mm)      Reference No.  Part No.
                                                 Element    Action  NO  NC  W x H x D
                                                            Snap                                     153031622 (1)
                                                            Action  2   2             BS656-Z22
                                                            Slow                                           (1)
                    153031622           M25 Screw   Without   Action  2  2  188 x 108 x 119  BS656-T22  153031630
                                        Terminals  Lever    Snap    2   2             BS656-Z22-G024  153031624 (2)
                                                            Snap    2   2             BS656-Z22-G115  153031643 (3)
                                       (1)  Indicator lamp not included
                                       (2)  Indicator lamp red, 24V DC
                                       (3)  Indicator lamp red, 115V AC

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