Page 10 - Workers_Exposed_Arc_Faults
P. 10

DEHNcare  safety helmet                          Accident statistics show that the face region is frequently
                                                             affected by severe burns. The DEHN safety helmet with
            with arc-fault-resistant                         arc-fault-resistant face shield protects workers from
                                                             second-degree skin burns, flying debris and splashes.
            face shield                                      The visor is extremely robust and scratch-proof.

               Safety helmet for electricians (ESH)                      Type                  Part No.

               Protection of the head and face region                    ESH 100 S Y, yellow   785 740
               with maximum wearing comfort
                                                                         ESH 1000 S W, white   785 741
               Easy to use thanks to                                     ESH 1000 S O, orange  785 742
               •  push / rotary knob for adjusting the size              ESH 1000 S B, blue    785 743
               •  plug-in system (helmet, face shield)
                                                                         ESH 1000 S R , red    785 744
               arc-fault-resistant face shield (APS)
                                                                         Type                  Part No.
               Excellent visibility due to                               APS CL2 SC            785 746
               •  anti-mist coating
               •  natural colour reproduction                            APS 12C SC            785 747
               •  high light transmittance                               APS CL2 FS            785 748
               High degree of protection due to nano-                    APS 12C FS            785 749
               •  energy absorbing
               •  low wear

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