Page 8 - Workers_Exposed_Arc_Faults
P. 8

DEHNcare         ®

            protective clothing

            DEHNcare  protective clothing protects workers from   The flame-retardant lining and the reflective strips ensure
            burns caused by arc faults. The materials (combination   maximum protection. All materials such as zip and
            of breathable leather and neoprene) ensure protection as   hook-and-loop fasteners are also made of flame-retardant
            per IEC 61482-1-2 (class 2) and provide a high wearing   material. The flapped side pockets round off the appear-
            comfort.                                         ance. The suit is available in six sizes to ensure right fit.
                                                             The coat is available in three double sizes.

            Approved and

            documented tests

               •  Arc fault protection as per IEC 61482-1-2, class 2
                 (box test: 7 kA / 0.5 s)
               •  Arc fault protection as per IEC 61482-1-1
                 (ATPV: 33.1 cal / cm2)
               •  Hazard Risk Category HRC 3
               •  Protection against thermal risks (EN 407:2004)
               •  Protection against mechanical risks (EN 388:2003)

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