Page 6 - 1kV Motor Starting Applications
P. 6




        Rated operational voltage: Main Circuit up to 1000VAC

              Separate mounting kit    Suitable for                 Setting range             EOL range
              DB65                                                    20 to 56A                EF65-56
                                       AF40, AF52, AF65
                                                                      25 to 70A                EF65-70
              DB96                                                    20 to 56A                EF96-56
                                       AF80, AF96
                                                                      36 to 100A               EF96-100
                                       AF116, AF140, AF146            54 to 150A               EF146-150
                                       AF145, AF185, AF190, AF205     63 to 210A                EF205
              Not required             AF210, AF260, AF300, AF305, AF370  115 to 380A           EF370
                                       AF400, AF460                   150 to 500A             EF460-500
                                       AF580, AF750                  250 to 800A              EF750-800
            1) The EOL can be used with any contactors by wiring
                (EF65 and EF96 requires separate mounting kit)
            2) Auxiliary circuit is up to 600 V AC/DC

        6  |  1000V AC Motor Start Application
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