Page 3 - 24_DS241_E_0315_Reliable_Power
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Minimising damage with
Every year, arc faults cause severe personal injury, heavy
damage to installations and thus high production
downtime costs. Even in the most modern switchgear
assemblies, the risk of an arc fault cannot be completely
ruled out. These arc faults can be caused by incorrect work
on switchgear assemblies, contaminants, foreign objects
or ingress of animals in the switchgear assembly. Within
a few milliseconds, high amounts of energy are released,
generating heat, a pressure wave and toxic gases similar to
an explosion.
Persons in the vicinity of switchgear assemblies are severely
injured or even killed. The switchgear assembly is heavily
damaged and must often be completely replaced which
can take several weeks. An unacceptable situation for
processes that require a continuous power supply! Such
damage can be reliably limited by using the arc fault
protection system DEHNshort.
DEHNshort quickly and reliably quenches arc faults.
Thanks to this quick arc fault quenching, only a small
portion of the destructive energy is released. With proven
arc fault quenching times of only a few milliseconds,
DEHNshort is one of the quickest protection systems on
the market, thus providing reliable protection for persons
and switchgear assemblies.
DEHNshort is also flexible to use: The modular system can
be exactly adapted to the existing installation.