Page 6 - Pipelines
P. 6
High-voltage lines are possible sources of interference voltages for pipelines
Pipelines influenced by
interference voltage
Since pipelines are widely distributed and highly networked, DEHN has long-standing experience in lightning and surge
they are often influenced by interference voltages from protection for pipelines. The comprehensive DEHN protec-
various sources of interference such as traction power sup- tion solutions for pipelines are based upon this know-how
ply systems, high-voltage lines, earth faults and lightning and intensive research and standardisation work. The
effects. protection solutions tested in the DEHN Test Centre reduce
lightning damage to insulating flanges, cathodic protection
Interference voltage means non-system voltages which can systems and field devices. Downtime and the resulting loss
also occur in the form of transient, temporary or long- of transport capacity and production caused by all kinds of
duration overvoltage depending on their duration. They overvoltage can be minimised.
can enter a system, for example an insulated pipeline, by
means of galvanic, inductive or capacitive coupling and are DEHN offers practice-proven surge protection
a frequent source of interference or damage to installations, products and customised protection solutions whose
parts thereof, and persons. Special surge protection effectiveness can be tested in the DEHN Test Centre.
solutions allow reduction of these interference voltages to
values below the defined limit values.