Page 65 - Arc Guard System - TVOC-2
P. 65


          L                                                   S
          Language  43                                        Safety signs  10
          LED signals  38                                     Safety standards  10
          Life time  58                                       Set Time and Date  43
          Limitation of liability  11                         Setting menu language  33
          List of error codes  52                             Settings  33, 59
                                                              Setting time  33
          M                                                   Signal relay (K2, K3)  58
          Main MCB/fuse  59                                   Signal relays  14
          Maintenance  46                                     Signal Relays  15
          Manual/Auto reset configuration  30                 Soft keys  38
          Menu and languages  39                              Solid state  15
          Mounting  19                                        Solid state contacts  58
          Mounting and connecting the Arc Monitor to the system  20  Solid state tripping contacts  14, 15
          Mounting Arc Monitor  19                            Start-Up Sequence  33
          Mounting on a DIN rail  19                          Start-up time  59
          Mounting on wall  19                                Storage  11
          Mounting Optical detector  22                       Switch gear  21
          Mounting the HMI  20
          Mounting the HMI on door  21                        T
          Mounting the Optical detector  21                   Technical data  58
                                                              Temperature  11
          N                                                   Terminals  58
          No CSU connected  31                                Testing the installation  35
                                                              Tools required  18
          O                                                   Transport  11
          One (1) CSU connected  31                           Trip contact  25
          Optical inputs and outputs  58                      Trip contacts (K4, K5, K6)  58
          Ordering list  64, 65                               Trip LED  38
          Output contacts  58                                 Trip Log  39
          Overview HMI module  38                             Trip notification window  39
          Overview of Arc Monitor  14                         Trip Signal relays  25
                                                              Troubleshooting  50
          P                                                   Two (2) CSU connected  31
          Personal safety  10
          Placing Arc Monitor  19                             W
          Power LED  38                                       Work in safety manner  11
          Power on to the Arc Monitor  31
          Power supply  14, 25, 58, 59

          Rated operation voltage  58
          Rated voltage  58
          Reaction time  59
          Receiving and checking  18
          Recognition  7
          Revision information  43
   60   61   62   63   64   65   66