Page 64 - Arc Guard System - TVOC-2
P. 64


          9  Index

          A                                                   Dimensions  60
          ABB support  53                                     DIP switch  14, 15
          Action  7                                           DIP switches  29
          Add/Remove module  32
          Altitude  58                                        E
          Ambient temperature  58                             Electrical connections  25
          Apertures cubicle  22                               Environmental specifications  58
          Applications, Diagrams  61                          Error event  50
          Arc Monitor  14, 15                                 Error indication  50
          Attending errors  51                                Error LED  38
          Available languages  33                             Error Log  50, 51
                                                              Errors  50
          B                                                   Extension  16
          Breaker trip  29                                    Extension module plug in area  14
          Breaking capacity  58                               Extension (option)  14
                                                              External HMI connection  15
          Cable length  64                                    F
          Changing configuration  32                          Factory reset  43
          Checking DIP Switches  34                           Final confirmation  34
          Checking power on Arc Monitor  32
          Checking the trip log  39                           G
          Circuit breaker cubicle  23                         Getting started  18
          Circuit diagrams  63
          Configuration  42                                   H
          Configurations  26, 29                              Handling  11
          Connecting electrical connections  25               Handling Error log  50
          Connecting extension module (option)  23            Handling the Arc Monitor  11
          Connecting the Arc Monitor  25                      HMI Display  38
          Connection  61                                      HMI external connection  14
          Continous carry  58                                 HMI menu structure  38
          Controlling  35                                     HMI start menu  39
          Current Sensing Unit, CSU, inputs  14               Human Machine Interface, HMI  14, 15
          Current Sensing Unit, CSU, output  14               Humidity  58
          Current Sensing Unit input  15
          Current Sensing Unit (option)  30                   I
          Current Sensing Unit output  15                     Installation  18, 20
                                                              Installation procedure  18
          D                                                   Intermediate storage  18
          Degree of protection  58                            Internal Relay Fault  15, 25, 59
          Detection  7                                        IRF  15, 25, 59
          Detector  14, 59
          Detector inputs  14                                 K
          Detector Inputs  15                                 K1  15, 25
          Detectors  16                                       K2 and K3  15
          Diagnostics  40, 50                                 K4, K5, K6  25
          Diagrams  61
   59   60   61   62   63   64   65   66