Page 48 - Changeover switch
P. 48


          Motorized change-over switches

          Uninterrupted power supply with motorized functionality

          High performance level             Safe and reliable                 Space-saving design
          Ensuring a high performance level for   Our switches come equipped with    ABB provides compact and cost-
          you is of the utmost importance to us.   a comprehensive range of inbuilt   effective components for any and all
          In change-over applications where the   safety features such as mechanical   installations. On average, our
          loaded switch may need to be       interlock, which ensures the isolation   motorized change-over switches are
          operated remotely, adequate durability   of the two asynchronous power   20% smaller than other similar
          has been ensured by testing against   supplies. This eliminates risk of short-  products on the market.
          the IEC 60947-6-1 standard in the   circuiting between them. The
          specification of endurance         motorized change-over switches are
          requirements.                      also equipped with a handle for manual
                                             operation in case of emergency.
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