Page 7 - Changeover switch
P. 7

ABB  TRANSFER AND CHANGE-OVER SWITCHES                                              7
                                                Source 1          Source 2

          Ensuring a constant power supply is critical

          in typical change-over switch applications



              Source 1         Source 2         Source 1          Source 2                  Source

                        Load                               Load                    Load 1            Load     2

              Source 1         Source 2

          Use in critical applications             Typical generator       Transformer
          The most typical application for change-  2250kW / 11kV / 3P  12 / 16 MVA - 34,5 / 11 kV
          over switches is utility and stand-by    G  G   G   G   G
          generating set applications where
          change-over switches commutate
          between two sources. Often the back-up   MV-SG 11kV / 2000A
          power source is a stand-by generator
          set. These generator sets (Gen-sets)
          are a fundamental part of many Critical   MV-SG 11kV / 2000A                       MV-SG 11kV / 2000A
          Power applications where a constant
          and reliable source of electrical energy    LV-SG 6000A / 400V                     LV-SG 6000A / 400V
          is required.   Load
                                                   LV-SG I   2500A / 400V                   LV-SG II   2500A / 400V
          Ensuring back-up power
          Change-over switches are used to switch
          from the grid to the back-up in case of
          a failure in the primary energy source.
          They are typically dedicated switching
          devices, consisting of two mechanically
          interlocked switch-disconnectors and
          a motor operator for electrical operation.
          The switching device may also have        Air handling unit (AHU) - Chiller - UPS - Secondary chiller water pump (SCHWP)
          an integrated automatic control unit,
          enabling fully automatic operations.  Applications for change-over switches are not always between utility and generating set.
                                               They are also used to provide secondary supply for e.g. air handling units, chillers and water pumps.
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