Page 10 - Changeover switch
P. 10


          Manual change-over switches

          The growing importance of a secure power supply

          ABB offers a wide variety of manual change-over switches, from 16 to 3200 Amperes
          in range. Manual change-over switches are available with three different transition

          types; Open, fast, or closed.

          Single terminal per pole construction  Modular and flexible           UL/CSA certified performance
          A single terminal per pole across the   The modular and flexible construction,   To complement our wide range of
          entire range also eliminates the need   which can even include an adjustable   manual change-over switches, we also
          to use additional fixing sets to do   periscopic shaft,allows for different   offer open transition manual change-
          connections and creating savings in   arrangements of the poles and handle,   over switches designed according to
          terms of energy consumption and    providing you with the opportunity to   UL/CSA certification standards in a
          space occupied.                    create unique space saving solutions   power range from 30 to 800 Amperes.
                                             for your customers.
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