Page 324 - Din prodcuts 2020
P. 324
eRCBO, the value of quality
Made with attention to details
Space for insulated Easy to install
screwdrivers Fast installation is supported by
The larger neutral hole allows the two flying leads for neutral
the use of an insulated cable and functional earth, each
screwdriver to tighten the screw integrated in the device, which
of neutral terminals, ensuring can be directly connected to the
maximum operation safety. main neutral bar and main earth
All versions are equipped with bar.
cage type terminals (16mm²
load side), with tightening
torque of 1.2 Nm.
Product coding
All the necessary technical and
installation information can be
found directly on the device.
Product range, tripping
characteristics, rated currents,
sensitivity, type, breaking Anti counterfeiting
capacity, rated voltage, Each DSE201 is equipped with
order code, EAN code, electrical a RFID tag containing a unique
scheme, reference standards serial number assigned by ABB
and many other specifications according to ISO/IEC FCD
are laser printed on the front 15693-3 standard in order to
and side of units. authenticate the product.
Through this unique serial
number, ABB can easily
identify counterfeited
products and verify the
authenticity of each single
In control
Test button allows the regular
Real contact position check of the functionality of
indicator on toggle the device: to be pushed every
Directly connected to the six months.
moving contact of the
device, it indicates the
exact position of the
contacts at all times (red: Reduced height
closed contacts, green: Thanks to its reduced height,
open contacts). only 100 mm, DSE201 makes
easier wiring operation inside
the consumer unit or the
distribution board.