Page 923 - Din prodcuts 2020
P. 923



          Electrical installation solutions for buildings

          Industrial plugs and sockets

                           Index                                       Modular Combi                      10/139
                           Introduction Industrial plugs and sockets   10/2  Extra low voltage            10/152

                           Easy & Safe                          10/6   Hight current connectors           10/158
                           Plugs IP44                           10/8   Product portfolio                  10/158
                           Connectors IP44                     10/10   Introduction High current connectors   10/159
                           Inlets IP44                         10/12
                           Outlets IP44                        10/16   C-line                             10/160
                                                                       Plugs                              10/161
                           Plugs IP67                          10/30   Sockets                            10/162
                           Connectors IP67                     10/32   Inlets for wall mounting           10/163
                           Inlets IP67                         10/34   Inlets for panel mounting          10/164
                           Outlets IP67                        10/38   Socket outlet for wall mounting    10/166
                           Phase inverter                      10/45   Socket outlets for panel mounting   10/168
                           For entertainment applications      10/47   B-line                             10/169
                           Plugs and sockets                   10/49   Plugs                              10/170
                                                                       Sockets                            10/171
                           Fast & Safe                         10/55   Inlets for wall mounting           10/172
                           Plugs IP44                          10/57   Inlets for panel mounting          10/173
                           Connectors IP44                     10/58   Socket outlet for wall mounting    10/175
                           Inlets IP44                         10/59   Socket outlets for panel mounting   10/177
                           Outlets IP44                        10/64
                                                                       Connector unit                     10/178
                           Plugs IP67                          10/68   with mechanical interlock          10/179
                           Connectors IP67                     10/69   with block contactor               10/181
                           Inlets IP67                         10/70   with circuit breaker               10/183
                           Outlets IP67                        10/73

                           Critical & Safe                     10/77
                           Switched interlocket socket outlet   10/79
                           Surface socket outlets              10/97
                           Accessories                         10/99

                           Tough & Safe                       10/100
                           Plugs                              10/102
                           Connectors                         10/107
                           Surface socket outlets              10/112
                           Surface intlets                    10/118
                           Panel mounted socket outlets       10/125
                           Panel mounted socket inlets        10/133
                           Accessories                        10/138
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