Page 4 - Fuse link Catalogue
P. 4


                                                       AC Performance
                                                       ASTA 20 certified at 80kA from 415V to 660V, to BS88:
                                                       Part 2:1988.
                                                       DC Performance
                                                       Up to 460V to BS88:Part 2:1988.
                                                       Protection of PVC insulated Cables
    The contents of BS88:Part 2:1988 (and the associated  Class ‘gG’ ratings provide complete protection, and enable
    IEC269-2 and AS2005.21.2) were taken into consideration  cables to be fully rated.
    by the designers when the complete range of type ‘T’  Discrimination
    fuse links were re-designed some time ago.         Type ‘T’ fuse links will discriminate with each other at fault
    There are therefore no changes in the electrical characteristics  levels up to 80kA, 415V when the ratio between ‘major’ and
    of the fuse links detailed in this publication an important  ‘minor’ current ratings is 1.6:1.
    point to note for those users who have approved equipment  Motor Starting Ability
    or engineered installations based on their use.    All type ‘T’ fuse links are suitable for use in motor circuits and
    Type ‘T’ fuse links meet all the requirements of BS88:  have superior motor starting ability.
    Part 2:1988 and this publication details changes   The availability of class ‘gM’ fuse links enhances this capability.
    in terminology and practice resulting from the issue of  Motor Circuit Protection
    that standard.                                     Type ‘T’ fuse links combined with the contactors and relays of
    All references made refer to GEC and GE Red Spot fuse  leading manufacturers, provide effective short circuit protection.
    links.                                             Energy Conservation
                                                       All type ‘T’ fuse links have low power loss values, well within the
                                                       limits specified in BS88:Part 2:1988.

                                                             Approved by leading authorities, including Lloyds,
                                                             CEBG, and Ministry of Defence, as being made to
                                                             recognise standards of quality assurance
                                                             (including BS5750:Part 1:1987 and AS3902-1987).

                            IPD INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS            Phone: 1300 556 601  
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