Page 33 - Semi Conductor use application guide
P. 33

Forced commutated inverters

        Under these conditions the interruption
        of the fault current will be rapid (less       500
        than 10ms), and against the decreasing
        voltage from the discharging capacitor.
        This condition is similar to that which
                                                       250     capacitor voltage
        occurs when a.c. type-testing of fuses
        at high current (~100kA), when the
        circuit is closed at about 65° on the
        applied voltage wave. However as soon            0
        as arcing begins the voltage applied               0                0.005       time, s  0.01
        to the fuse becomes d.c. rather than
        oscillatory (the circuit is overdamped by
        the arc resistance). For these reasons
        choice of a fuse for inverter applications
        depends upon the initial maximum             20000
        capacitor voltage (EM) and also voltage
        across the capacitor (UPM ) at the start of   15000       fault current
        arcing. For some fuses  EM and UPM are
        the same but for other types UPM can be      10000
        lower than EM. Fuses with a trip indicator
        may have lower EM and UPM values than         5000
        fuses without an indicator. The Ferraz
        Shawmut publication NTSC120 gives                 0
                                                            0               0.005               0.01
        these values for a selection of fuse types
        as well as curves allowing calculation
        of the total I t and other parameters. As
        an alternative, the let-through I t and
        clearing time can be computed using
        a transient model which represents the         Fig.26 Short-circuit waveform for internal fault
        interaction between the fuse and the
        circuit, including the charging source.
        This is a complex procedure and is
        unsuitable for hand calculation. It is the method built in to the Select-A-Fuse for Power Electronics
        software. (See section 18).

        When a single F2 fuse is used it must be rated for the full d.c. voltage. If two fuses are used, they
        can be assumed to share the breaking duty, because the operation is normally so fast that both
        fuses will melt. A voltage reduction factor of 0.6 can then be used for the calculation of the I t. If the
        fuses were to operate in situations other than a perfect short-circuit fault, the melting times could be
        much longer, and one fuse would melt fi rst and have to clear the circuit on its own against the full
        d.c. voltage. Therefore for safety reasons each fuse should be rated for full d.c. voltage. Satisfactory
        protection of the devices may not be possible under these circumstances, but it is essential that
        such faults should be cleared safely. It is recommended that the fuse selected should clear the circuit
        within 10ms.

           Skin and proximity effects

        As the frequency increases, the current in a conductor tends to shift towards the outside surface of
        the conductor (or group of conductors) due to the skin effect. If the return path for the current is near
        that conductor or conductor group, this causes an additional shift of current within the conductor,
        towards the return path. This is the proximity effect, and like skin effect, it increases with frequency.
        Inductance is fl ux linkage per ampere, and the inductance of an electric circuit may be separated into
        two parts. The internal inductance is due to the fl ux linkages within the conductor, while the external
        inductance is due to the fl ux linkage of the loop external to the conductor. As frequency increases
        the total inductance initially decreases because of the decrease in internal fl ux due to skin effect. At
        very high frequencies only external inductance remains.
        At high-frequencies a multiplying coeffi cient CPE must be applied to the fuse rated current, to allow
        for the extra heating of the fuse caused by skin and proximity effects (see section 5).

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