Page 4 - Semi Conductor use application guide
P. 4


                 A fuse is a device for protecting an electrical system against the effects of overcurrents (excess
                 currents), by melting one or more fuse-elements, thus opening the circuit. Very fast-acting fuses are
                 widely used for the protection of diodes, thyristors, and other power semiconductors in a.c. and d.c.
                 power electronic applications, and provide excellent protection against the potentially damaging
                 effects of short-circuit currents.

                 Current-limiting fuses achieve this protection by limiting both the amount of energy produced during
                 an overcurrent and also the peak current which is allowed to fl ow.

                 The term ‘semiconductor fuse’ means a very fast-acting fuse specifi cally intended for the protection
                 of power semiconductors.

                 Fig.1 shows the construction of a typical semiconductor fuse. The fuse elements are usually made
                 of pure silver  strips,  with
                 regions  of reduced cross-                                          element
                 sectional area (often called
                 notches). There may be
                 several strips in parallel,
                 depending on the ampere
                 rating of the fuse. They
                 are  enclosed within an        blade
                 insulating tube or  ceramic
                 body,  which is fi lled  with
                 pure quartz sand. At each           Fig.1 Construction of a typical semiconductor protection fuse
                 end there are terminals
                 with a variety of designs to
                 permit installation in fuse-
                 holders or connection to

                 Fuses such as that shown in Fig.1, with the elements surrounded by sand, are called  current-
                 limiting, or high breaking capacity fuses. Semiconductor fuses are sometimes referred to as
                 rectifi er or ultra-fast fuses. They are available with voltage ratings up to 12.5kV, and with rated
                 currents up to 10000A.

                 During normal circuit operation the fuse elements carry the required currents without melting. The
                 resistance is as low as possible to minimize the power loss. However, when a short-circuit or fault
                 occurs, the elements melt very quickly at the notches (regions of reduced cross-sectional area), and a
                 number of small electric arcs are produced in the notch zones, which causes the fault current to be
                 rapidly reduced to zero, and the arcs extinguish. The total time taken by a fuse to clear a fault is the
                 sum of the melting time (pre-arcing time) and the arcing time.

                 Special fuse designs are needed to provide protection of power electronic components. The p-n
                 semiconductor junction can be very easily damaged, and so a very fast-acting fuse is required. For
                 example, a typical thyristor may fail when subjected to a 10ms (one half-cycle in a 50Hz system)
                 pulse of only 10 times its nominal r.m.s. current rating. A low-voltage fuse designed for general
                 industrial applications may require 15 30 times its ampere rating to melt within 10ms, which is not
                 fast enough to provide protection, whereas a very fast-acting semiconductor fuse typically requires
                 only about 5-6 times its ampere rating, thus protecting the thyristor.

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