Page 7 - Semi Conductor use application guide
P. 7

The time-current characteristic

        If a fuse is subjected to a current
        greater than the minimum current
        required to produce melting, the
        fuse element will melt. The higher          1000
        the current, the shorter the melting
        time will be. This inverse relationship
        is shown graphically by  the time-          100
        current characteristic  (TCC).                                             C’
        Fig.2 shows a typical time-current
        characteristic for a semi-conductor           10
        fuse with a nominal current rating         prearcing time (s)
        of 450A.                                       1

                                                                    In = 450A
        The time it takes for a fuse element
        to melt is often referred to as the
        prearcing time, since melting is
        followed  by  a period of arcing.            0,01
        Melting of a fuse element is due to             100                 1000                10000
        the heating effect of the current,                         r.m.s prearcing current (A)
        which depends on the r.m.s. value of
        the current actually fl owing through
        the fuse before melting occurs. For       Fig.2 TTC for a typical 450A seminconductor fuse
        operation in times less than one a.c.
        cycle, the melting time of the element
        is greatly affected by the waveshape
        of the current. In this case it is necessary to use I t values for checking the system protection. (See
        section 8). The standard time current curve shown in Fig.2 is for a symmetrical sinewave.

        The boundary C-C’ shown on Fig.2 indicates that the fuse will safely interrupt currents at times below
        this limit. The fuse must not be applied to interrupt current levels which produce melting times
        longer than this limiting boundary. Sustained overloads which persist for longer times may result in
        failure of the fuse, and must be cleared by other means. There is a limit to how long a temporary
        overload can be tolerated by the fuse. This limit is shown by sloping part of the C-C’ boundary. (New
        style gR class fuses do not have a C-C’ limit, and can be used for overload protection.)

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