Page 18 - Slimline Fuse Switches
P. 18



          Integrated and future-ready

          ITS2.1: Which data can be monitored
          Line Voltage      (V AC)                                                   V12, V23, V31
          Phase Voltage     (V AC)                                                   V1N, V2N, V3N
          Max. Rated Voltage  (V AC)                                                 690
          Current           (A)                                                      L1, L2, L3
          Active power      (kW)                                                     L1, L2, L3
          Reactive power    (kVA)                                                    L1, L2, L3
          Cos phi           (Cosϕ)                                                   L1, L2, L3
          Power factor      (PF)                                                     Sum
          Energy            (kWh)                                                    Sum
          Fuse status       (EFM)                                                    L1, L2, L3
          Temperature       (°C)                                                     Terminal L2
          Switch position                                                            On/Off
          Motor Control                                                              by bus
          Communication bus                                                          RS485
          Protocol                                                                   Modbus RTU & TCP

          Configurable Modbus RTU parameters
          Default setting                                                            19200 E,8,1 – Default Modbus addr. 3
          Baudrates                                                                  9600, 19200
          Parity, stop- start bits                                                   E,8,1 – O,8,1 – N,8,2 – N,8,1
          Modbus address range                                                       1 – 247

          Connection data at the ITS2.1/2.D multiplug         Conductor cross section
          1                                      24 VDC       Stranded min.                              0,25 mm²
          2                                      24 V GND (0V)  Stranded max.                            1,5 mm²
          3                                      RS-485 0V    Stranded, with ferrule without plastic sleeve max.  1,5 mm²
          4                                      RS-485 + (A)  Stranded, with ferrule with plastic sleeve max.  0,75 mm²
          5                                      RS-485 - (B)
          Note! ITS2 unit cannot be retro fitted.
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