Page 8 - Smart sensor brochure
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Why invest in a Smart Sensor?

            Traditional motor maintenance methods often involve routine maintenance based on experience
            and training without real-time visibility into the health of the motors. This can result in process
            interruptions, unplanned downtime, and lost revenue due to untimely equipment failure. Condition
            monitoring using traditional methods may require multiple sensors with complex wiring,
            monitoring devices in boxes with power supply, and programming. The ABB Ability™ Smart Sensor
            is a game-changing solution that empowers industries with the power of industrial IoT. This
            product offers a unique digital advantage that enables efficient, predictable, and safe operations
            by converting traditional motors into smart devices and leveraging advanced analytics.

                            Higher availability                                Reduced cost
                     Enables users to detect problems                 Helps save money by optimising
                  before they occur, allowing for planned           capital, operating, and energy costs.
                 maintenance and preventing unplanned               By leveraging the insights the Smart
                   downtime. This extends the lifetime of          Sensor provides, plant managers can
                    the equipment and ensures higher               make informed decisions to upgrade
                     availability for critical operations.          their operations and reduce energy
                                                                          consumption over time.

                          Improved safety                               Cybersecurity protection
                   Easy to install and use, reducing             Ensures data ownership and protection.
               maintenance workers’ time on the floor.         Users own all their data, and access to data
                It is easily attached to motors without          is restricted to authorised personnel only.
              wiring, and mounting and configuring the           The sensor is protected from unwanted
              sensors takes minimal time. The sensor is          access with 16-bit PIN authentication, PIN
               activated using NFC protocol. The Smart           throttling to prevent brute-force attacks
               Sensor Platform on mobile devices (iOS          and encryption of all sensor measurements
                or Android) provides traffic light icons          per the National Institute of Standards
                for quick motor state assessment and            and Technology (NIST) recommendation.
               notifications when conditions change. All          The decryption key is protected by an
               maintenance performed on a motor can                    authentication PIN, ensuring
               be scheduled and recorded in the app.                          cybersecurity.

                                                Predictive maintenance
                         Enables predictive maintenance by monitoring equipment health and
                           providing early warnings of potential issues. This allows for planned
                                    maintenance activities, reducing downtime and
                                           maximising equipment availability.

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