Page 5 - ds103e
P. 5

Developing lightning protection
                                       zone concepts with expertise

                                       To secure the availability of wind turbines, the lightning pro-
                                       tection zone concept aims to prevent lightning damage to
                                       mechanical and electric components. This is achieved by
                                       discharging lightning current and controlling surges.

                                       The lightning protection zone concept for wind turbines
                                       described in IEC 61400-24 deals with the topic of lightning
                                       protection for wind turbines including detailed information
                                       on the selection of lightning and surge protection
                                       measures  .
                                       As the basis for creating a protection concept, a wind tur-
                                       bine is subdivided into lightning protection zones. One
                                       distinguishes here between external zones (LPZ 0A und 0B)
                                       and internal zones (LPZ 1, LPZ 2…n)  . The external zones
                                       of a wind turbine – except the rotor blade – are deter-
                                       mined by way of the rolling sphere method. The subdivi-
                                       sion of the internal zones very much depends on the con-
                                       struction of the individual wind turbine and should be
                                       conducted accordingly.

                                       Having laid down the relevant lighting protection zones,
                                       one can then define the necessary protective measures.
                                       It is advisable to create a lightning protection concept at
                                       the initial planning stage of a wind turbine to avoid later
                                       cost-intensive repairs and retrofitting.
                                       Long experience in the field of lightning and surge protec-
                                       tion and the numerous system tests conducted for the
                                       wind industry have given DEHN the know-how to develop
                                       effective lightning protection systems for wind turbines.
                                       We will assist you in developing a lightning protection con-
                                       cept for your turbine consisting of external lightning pro-
                                       tection, internal lightning protection, equipotential bond-
                                       ing and earthing.

                                       1)  IEC 61400-24 Lightning Protection of Wind Turbines
                                       2)  LPZ: Lightning Protection Zone

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