Page 10 - ds103e
P. 10
Lightning and surge protection in the tower base
A comprehensive lightning protection concept comprises with an optional integrated backup fuse and remote sig-
the protection of the nacelle and surge protection in the nalling contact. The protective modules can simply be re-
tower base. In the tower base, both the medium- and placed when necessary.
low-voltage power side and the data side require protec- However, if the main aim of the concept is to make sure
tion. that the system is safe after the protective device has over-
loaded, DEHN V SCP arresters can be used. Overloading
Depending on the concept of the wind turbine manufac- the arrester causes a defined short-circuit in the protective
turer, technologies with different end of life behaviour device. This triggers the upstream protective element and
can be applied to the protective devices for inverters. If disconnects the system being protected.
permanent availability is paramount, arresters with a de-
fined disconnection of the protective element from the Whatever your concept, we are here to offer
current circuit in case of overload are preferable. These you advice!
devices from the DEHNguard family are also available