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                  Key Benefits                                  Dependability

                  • Forefront of innovative technology          • Outstanding power efficiency
                  • Unique efficiency of approximately 95%      • High MTBF values and long lifetime
                  • High peak output current                    • Optimised design for low operating temperatures
                  • Easy to use                                 • Production-friendly setup
                  • Wide product portfolio                      • Decades of competence-driven products

                                DIMENSION                                        FIEPOS

                                Highest performance                              Flexible Field Power Supplies
                                with numerous variants,                          with IP65/67 rating for
                                features and approvals.                          decentralised applications.
                                Series: C, Q, U, Z                               A unique alternative to the
                                                                                 control cabinet.

                                PIANO                                            MiniLine

                                Focused on basic                                 Ultra compact design
                                functionalities without                          for low-power applications.
                                compromising on                                  Series: ML
                                quality and reliability.
                                Series: PIC, PIM

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