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Industrial Automation Software


        Movicon.NExT™ Development Environment
        Emerson offers both the Development and Runtime environment fully featured and free to use in Evaluation Mode (Demo) with the
        following restrictions.
            •   Development environment: all the features can be used and therefore projects can be created, opened, and edited without
                being restricted on the number of Tags, Screens, Alarms that can be used. A warning will be displayed at increasingly frequent
                intervals to remind users that they are currently in Demo Mode.
            •   Runtime: The runtime limit is a continuous 2 hours. All the functions are available during this time, but the number of variables,
                screens and alarms are limited.

                                             Development Environment
                                             Licenses and Keys                                   Part No.
                                             Movicon.NExT HMI/SCADA Editor - Full Development License  DEV4
                                             Option to enable the Development environment on any runtime license.
                                             (Must have runtime License on same machine)         OP4-EDIT
                                             Option for Physical SCADA License using USB Key Includes User Guide and   MOVICONKEYKIT
                                             s/n Movicon.NExT USB Key

                                                                            Part No.             Part No.
                   Start                     Server License Size            Base Single Server & Client   Redundant Secondary
                                                                            License              Server
                  Choose                     HMI/SCADA Runtime 50 Tags      RTCS4-F-50
               Runtime HMI/SCADA
                 License Based               HMI/SCADA Runtime 100 Tags     RTCS4-F-100
                On I/O Tag Count
                                             HMI/SCADA Runtime 200 Tags     RTCS4-F-200          OPS4-R-1K
                                             HMI/SCADA Runtime 500 Tags     RTCS4-F-500
                                 Add         HMI/SCADA Runtime 1,000 Tags   RTCS4-F-1K
                 Redundant  Y  Redundancy Option
                  Server?      OPS4-R-x      HMI/SCADA Runtime 2,000 Tags   RTCS4-F-2K
                                             HMI/SCADA Runtime 5,000 Tags   RTCS4-F-5K
                   N                                                                             OPS4-R-20K
                                             HMI/SCADA Runtime 10,000 Tags  RTCS4-F-10K
                                             HMI/SCADA Runtime 20,000 Tags  RTCS4-F-20K
               Continue in Next Page         HMI/SCADA Runtime 40,000 Tags  RTCS4-F-40K
                                             HMI/SCADA Runtime 60,000 Tags  RTCS4-F-60K
                                             HMI/SCADA Runtime 100,000 Tags  RTCS4-F-100K
                                             HMI/SCADA Runtime Unlimited    RTCS4-F-UL
                                             -  A "Tag" is any single unit data type in a variable from 1 to 64 bits, including one element of an array
                                              (BIT, BYTE, WORD, etc).
                                             -  Each RunTime Server includes one Client
                                              Example: 500 Tag Server with two clients and 3 Web clients = 1x RTCS4-F-500, 1x RTC4, 1x WB4-5-1K

        Emerson Authorised Movicon.NExT  HMI/SCADA Training
        7704 Create a Movicon.NExT  project and develop fundamental HMI/SCADA screen layouts enriched with dynamic animation
        elements. This training equips you with the ability to set up alarm systems, data logging mechanisms, and data trending functionalities,
        allowing for efficient data collection and visually appealing display on HMI screens.
        7705  This follow-up course builds on the basic fundamentals of the Movicon.NExT  industrial software solution to learn how
        to utilise  advanced features such as screen parametrisation, power templates, 3D graphics and  object aliases, to streamline
        HMI application development.

         TRAINING                               TRAINING
         Mo vicon.NE xT  Fundamentals 7704      Movicon.NExT  Advanced 7705

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