Page 306 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 306

Public address systems are used for voice, music and alarm   Loudspeakers with different power ratings can be jointly used
       transmission. To this end, the useful signal is modulated onto a   in a line or group. The minimum power of the amplifier is the
       carrier voltage (50 V, 70 V, 100 V) and reaches the loudspeaker   sum of the individual loudspeaker power ratings in the pub-
       via a transmitter. This transmitter transforms the low imped-  lic address system. When determining the minimum power of
       ance of the loudspeaker to a higher value, thus reducing the   the amplifier, the sum of the loudspeaker power ratings is not
       current. Therefore, telecommunication lines with a diameter of   decisive, but instead the sum of the selected power ratings at
       0.6 mm or 0.8 mm can be used.                the transmitters.

       There are different kinds of loudspeakers. Flush and wall loud-  Subsection 7.2.1 of the EN 50174-2 standard describes the pro-
       speakers typically have a rated power between 6 and 30 W,   tection from lightning strikes and induced surges and compares
       column loudspeakers between 20 W and 100 W and horn loud-  the risk of damage with the risk which is accepted by the oper-
       speakers between 10 W and 60 W. Modular amplifiers have a   ator. If this risk assessment reveals that surge protection meas-
       rated power between 100 W and 600 W (in some cases even   ures are required, surge protective devices must be installed
       higher).                                     for the relevant installations and systems in need of protection.

                                                                                 100 V loudspeaker
             power amplifier   100 V relay module
                                                                                 100 V loudspeaker
                                                                                 DCF 77 antenna
             CD player

                                                                                    230 V system
                                                                  RS 232

                                                                                  intercom with
                                                                                  function and
                                                                  MEB             selector buttons
                       central unit                   230 V system
                       with input slots

                                                       75 Ω coaxial cable

       No. Surge protective device          Part No. No.  Surge protective device       Part No.
            DR M 2P 150  (current > 1 A – 25 A) or   953 204  BXT ML2 BD HFS 5          920 271
                                                        + BXT BAS                       920 300
            BXT ML4 BE 180 (current < 1 A)   920 327
            + BXT BAS                       920 300     DR M 2 P 255                    953 200
            DGA G BNC                       929 042     DGA FF TV                       909 703

            FS 9E HS 12                     924 019     DPRO 230                        909 230
       Figure 9.8.1  Modular public address system with surge protective devices

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