Page 310 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 310

The function of emergency alarm systems (fire or burglar alarm   All these factors cause unnecessary costs and can be prevent-
       systems) is to actively produce an alarm in the event of danger   ed if possible causes of false alarms are recognised at an early
       and remain passive when there is no danger. Malfunction of   design stage and are eliminated by taking suitable preventive
       these systems (no alarm is produced if there is danger or alarm   measures. For this purpose, the German Insurance Association
       is produced if there is no danger) is undesired and expensive   (GDV) published the VdS 2833 guideline, which describes light-
       and  is  responsible  for  several  hundred  millions  of  euros  in   ning and surge protection for emergency alarm systems.
       losses annually. Moreover, false alarms have the following   Coordinated lightning and surge protection prevents false
       consequences:                                alarms or the destruction by atmospheric discharges or switch-
       ¨  If false alarms frequently occur, the operator can no longer   ing overvoltages and increases the availability of the systems.
         rely on the system and questions the significance of such a   When installing emergency alarm systems which are not re-
         system and the associated investment.      quired by the building law, the VdS guideline should be used
       ¨  Security personnel start ignoring the alarm messages.  for designing and installing these emergency alarm systems
       ¨  Neighbours are disturbed by acoustic alarms.  and for defining individual measures between the installer and
       ¨  Emergency staff (e.g. fire brigade) is unnecessarily called   Many of today’s emergency alarm systems have an increased
         out.                                       surge immunity according to IEC 61000-4-5 (EN 61000-4-5) on
       ¨  Triggering of fire extinguishing systems cause interruption   the primary lines, secondary lines and mains voltage cables.
         of operations.                             Nevertheless, only external and internal lightning protection

                                                    magnetic contacts

                                                    glass break detector

                                                    IR detector 1

                                                    IR detector 2
                                                    seismic detector
                                                    hold-up button 1+2
                     alarm panel
                                                    block lock 1
                                                    arming acknowledgement 1
                                                    block lock 2
                                                    arming acknowledgement 2  burglar alarm system
                                                                         access control reader
                                                    buzzer 1             arming device
                                                                                     horn 1

                                                                                     horn 2
                               230 V

       Figure 9.9.1  Lightning and surge protection for a burglar alarm system with pulse polling technology

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