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No. in Fig. 9.13.1 and 2  Protection for…  Surge protective device             Part No.
                              Three-phase TN-S system  DEHNventil DV M TNS 255            951 400
                              Three-phase TT system   DEHNventil DV M TT 255              951 310
                              Three-phase TN-S system   DEHNguard DG M TNS 275            952 400
                              Three-phase TT system   DEHNguard DG M TT 275               952 310
                              230 V supply            DEHNrail DR M 2P 255                953 200
                              24 V d.c. supply        DEHNrail DR M 2P 30                 953 201
                                                      BLITZDUCTOR XT BXT ML2 B 180        920 211
                                                      + BXT BAS base part                   920 300
                                                      BLITZDUCTOR XT BXT ML2 BE HFS 5     920 270
                                                      + BXT BAS base part                 920 300
                                                      BLITZDUCTOR XT BXT ML4 BD EX 24     920 381
                              PROFIBUS in hazardous area  + BXT BAS EX base part            920 301
                                                      or DEHNpipe DPI MD EX 24 M 2        929 960
          Table 9.13.1   Lightning current and surge arresters for intrinsically safe PROFIBUS PA, PROFIBUS FMS and DP

          Building with external lightning protection system  If lightning equipotential bonding, surge protection and exter-
          If a building is equipped with an external lightning protec-  nal lightning protection measures are properly implemented,
          tion system, lightning equipotential bonding is required. To   they reduce failure in case of direct lightning strikes to a mini-
          this end, the earth-termination system is connected to pipes,   mum.
          metal installations and earthed parts of the power supply and
          information technology systems. In addition, all power supply   Building without external lightning protection
          and information technology cables entering and leaving the   system
          structure are connected to the earth-termination system via   If no external lightning protection system is installed, the bus
          lightning current arresters (Figures 9.13.1 and 9.13.2).  devices must be protected  by surge arresters. In this case,
                                                       lightning current arresters for power supply and information
          In addition to lightning equipotential bonding, surge protec-  technology lines do not have to be installed (arresters 1 and 4
          tion measures must be taken to protect electrical installations   are not required).
          and systems.

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