Page 336 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 336

In addition to power supply lines, telecommunication lines are   Risks
       the most important lines. Permanently functioning interfaces   Copper cables with a low shielding effect are used as con-
       to the “outside world” are vital for the highly technical pro-  necting cables to the local exchange and in a company’s
       cesses in today’s industrial plants and offices.  internal cabling system. High potential differences can oc-
       Telecommunication line networks frequently extend over some   cur between the building installation and the incoming lines
       km . Therefore, it is quite likely that surges are injected into   since the incoming lines extend beyond several buildings.
       such widespread networks.                    Potential rise of the cores caused by galvanic and inductive
       The safest solution to protect a structure from the negative   coupling  must  be expected. If high-power and  low-power
       consequences of lightning effects is to install a complete light-  lines are routed in parallel, switching overvoltages in the
       ning protection system consisting of an external and internal   power system can also cause failure which interferes with
       lightning protection system.                 the low-power lines.

                  fixed-line   customer  Ethernet 10 MBit           Type                Part No.
                  provider           or ATM 25                     BXT ML2 BD 180       920 247
                                                                   + BXT BAS           + 920 300
                                                                   DRL 10 B 180 FSD     907 401
                                                                   + EF 10 DRL         + 907 498
                                                                   + DRL PD 180        + 907 430
                          BCU 2)                                   DPRO 230 NT          909 310
                          230 V~
                                                        PC         DPRO 230 LAN100      909 321
                                   ADSL          RJ 45
                                   modem                           DLI TC 2 I           929 028
                                                                   DSM TC 2 SK          924 272
                                                                   DG M TNS 275         952 400
             NT 1)              splitter                analogue
                                                        telephone  1)  Network Termination
                                                                2)  Broadband Connection Unit
       Figure 9.14.1  Lightning and surge protection for an analogue connection with ADSL

                 fixed-line   customer  Ethernet 10 MBit            Type                Part No.
                  provider           or ATM 25                     BXT ML2 BD 180       920 247
                                                                   + BXT BAS           + 920 300
                                                                   DRL 10 B 180 FSD     907 401
                                                                   + EF 10 DRL         + 907 498
                                                                   + DRL PD 180        + 907 430
                          BCU 2)                                   DPRO 230 NT          909 310
                          230 V~
                                                        PC         DPRO 230 LAN100      909 321
                                                RJ 45
                                   ADSL                            DPRO 230 ISDN        909 320
                                                RJ 45              DLI ISDN I           929 024
                                                                   DSM ISDN SK          924 270
                                                 S 0
                                                                   DG M TNS 275         952 400
             NT 1)             splitter  NTBA          ISDN     1)  Network Termination
                                                       telephone  2)  Broadband Connection Unit

       Figure 9.14.2  Lightning and surge protection for an ISDN connection with ADSL

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