Page 337 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
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fixed-line   customer    telephone                   Type                Part No.
                  provider                (analogue)
                                                                      BXT ML4 BD HF 24     920 375
                                                                      + BXT BAS          + 920 300
                                                                      DRL 10 B 180 FSD     907 401
                                                                      + EF 10 DRL        + 907 498
                                                                      + DRL HD 24        + 907 470
                                                                      DLI TC 2 I           929 028
                                                                      DSM TC 2 SK          924 272
                                                                      DG M TNS 275         952 400
                                          S 2m
                                                                      SFL PRO 6X           912 250
                NT 1)
                                   NTPM            telecom. system  1)  Network Termination
          Figure 9.14.3  Surge protection for telecommunication systems with “ISDN primary multiplex connection”

          Surge protection for the ADSL connection     Surge protection for the ISDN connection
          In addition to a conventional telephone connection, an ADSL   ISDN (Integrated Service Digital Network) offers different ser-
          connection requires a network or ATM card in the PC (depend-  vices in a common public network. Both voice and data can be
          ing on the type of access), a special ADSL modem and a splitter   transmitted via digital transmission. The transfer interface for
          to separate the telephone and data traffic. The telephone con-  the NTBA, which is also supplied with 230 V a.c. on the power
          nection can be an analogue or ISDN connection.  supply side, is a network termination unit.
                                                       Figure 9.14.2 shows  surge  protective  devices  for an  ISDN
          The splitter divides the analogue voice signal or the digital   connection.
          ISDN signal from the ADSL data taking into account all impor-
          tant system parameters such as impedances, attenuation and   Surge protection for the primary multiplex connection
          level. It thus fulfils the function of a dividing network. The split-  The primary multiplex connection (NTPM) features 30 B-chan-
          ter is connected to the telephone socket on the input side. On   nels with 64 kBit/s each, a D-channel and a synchronisation
          the output side, it provides the high-frequency signals of the   channel with 64 kBit/s and allows data transfer rates up to
          ADSL frequency band to the ADSL modem and controls com-  2 MBit/s. The NTPM is supplied by the U 2m  interface. The device
          munication with the NTBA or the analogue terminal device in   interface is referred to as S 2m  . Large-scale interphone systems
          the low frequency range.                     or data connections with high data volumes are connected
          The  ADSL  modem  is  connected  to  the  PC  via  an  Ethernet     to this interface. Figure 9.14.3 shows surge protective de-
          (10 MBit/s), ATM25 or USB interface and requires a 230 V a.c.   vices for such a connection. The NTPM is also supplied with
          supply voltage (Figures 9.14.1 and 9.14.2).  230 V a.c. on the power supply side.

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