Page 406 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 406

For economic reasons, fluorescent tubes (with a diameter of     the voltage peak is displaced into the lamps. Therefore, an ad-
       26 mm or 16 mm) and electronic ballasts are used for light   ditional surge arrester must be installed in close proximity to
       strips in industrial, commercial and agricultural buildings.  the light strip.

       In high halls, light strips with an extremely narrow-beam illu-  The risk of surges entering the light strips is considerably re-
       mination are installed. In this case, the regular replacement of   duced if the frequently used class I light strips (PE connection)
       luminaires alone (about 16,000 lighting hours in case of 26 mm   are installed. If light strips feature luminaires with double or
       tubes, about 20,000 lighting hours in case of 16 mm tubes)   reinforced insulation, the light strip cables are often routed in a
       entails high costs since aerial lift devices are required and the   metal rail and are thus largely protected due to shielded design
       luminaires are usually replaced outside working hours.  of the metal rail.

       But what if individual electronic ballasts are destroyed by   In practice, light strips are operated with alternating current
       surges or an entire light strip fails? In this case, immediate ac-  (230 V / 50 Hz) and three-phase current (3x 230/400 V / 50 Hz).
       tion is required since the necessary minimum illumination is   For both types of supply, the maximum number of luminaires
       frequently no longer ensured which may lead to a decrease in   to be connected depends on the cross-section of the series
       work performance and accidents.              connected cables. To be able to consider the inrush currents
       The IEC 60364-4-44 (HD 60364-4-44) standard deals with the   of the electronic ballasts for the fuses, the luminaire manu-
       “protection against overvoltages of atmospheric origin or due   facturer specifies the maximum number of the relevant lumi-
       to switching”. Section 443.3.2.2 describes that surge protective   naires depending on the rated currents of the overcurrent pro-
       devices (type 2 or type 3 arresters) can be used for commercial   tective devices. This means that only 13 T26/58 W twin-lamp
       buildings.                                   electronic  ballasts  may  be  connected  to  e.g.  a  16 A  circuit
       The often long supply lines of the light strips are highly suscep-  breaker with characteristic B although the operating current is
       tible to surges. Even a type 2 surge arrester or type 1 combined   13 x 0.58 A = 7.54 A. Since luminaires do not cause overload,
       arrester in the power distribution board cannot prevent that   the line must only be protected against short-circuits. The volt-

                                                                 Type     Part No.

                                                                 DFL M 255  924 396

       Figure 9.25.1  Type 3 surge arrester installed in an office luminaire

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