Page 404 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 404

Churches are buildings  of high cultural              Type                      Part No.
       value  and  places  of  public  assembly.
       Therefore, they must be equipped with                 DV ZP TNC 255  (TN-C system)  900 390
       permanently effective lightning protec-               DV ZP TT 255   (TT/TN-S system)   900 391
       tion systems as described in chapter 18               DG M TT 275   (TT/TN-S system)  952 310
       of Supplement 2 of the German DIN EN
       62305-3 lightning protection standard.                DG M TT 2P 275  (TT/TN-S system)  952 110
       The IEC 62305-4 (EN 62305-4) lightning                See Figure 9.24.2
       protection standard describes how to
       implement surge protection measures.                  DFL M 255                  924 396
       Moreover, the IEC 60364-1 (HD 60364-1)                BXTU ML4 BD 0-180 (4 cores) *  920 349
       standard requires that  “property shall               + BXT BAS base part       + 920 300
       be protected against damage as a con-  CTRL
                                                                                        929 042
       sequence of overvoltages such as those                DGA G BNC                 + 106 329
                                                             + angled fixing plate
       originating from atmospheric events or
       from switching” (section 131.6.2).                 * Check whether arrester is suited for the system parameters
       Figure  9.24.1 shows an example of
       the standard equipment of a church. The   CTRL
       circuit of the control line of the bell con-                  hymn     M
       troller is illustrated in detail in  Figure                   board    3~
       If the separation distance s is maintained
       between the down conductors / lightning           display
       current carrying parts and the cables in-
       stalled in the steeple, flashover is not to
       be expected, however electromagnetic                           bell
       coupling may occur. The following meas-                        contr.      M  M
       ures can be taken to minimise electro-
       magnetic coupling:                                                     SS     SEB
       ¨  Short cable lengths
       ¨  No / little loop formation  Figure 9.24.1   Principle of external and internal lightning protection for a church with steeple
       If these measures are not feasible, surge
       protective devices must be installed.        In addition to the systems described before, the pipe heating
                                                    system, electronic organ and sound system are also highly sus-
       Lightning equipotential bonding              ceptible to electromagnetic coupling.
       A lightning protection system requires lightning equipotential   In the example shown, a separate earthing conductor to the
       bonding for metallic systems and all buried cables entering   main earthing busbar is not required for type 2 surge protec-
       the building. In case of churches, equipotential bonding must   tive devices (230 V or 230/400 V) for power supply systems
       always be established for the low-voltage supply and other   since the first surge protective device is already earthed.
       cables, if any (e.g. escape lighting).
                                                      1                   control line NYY-J 10 x 2.5 mm 2
                                                      3                   TN-S or TT system
       Surge protection                               5 7
       The cables in the bell tower and nave such as the cables of the   N      Type   Part No.
       electric clock mechanism and the bell controller are frequently   PE
       long and / or form loops. These two systems are time synchro-            DG S 275  952 070
       nised via the DCF 77 signal.
       If the electrical hymn board is not radio controlled, electro-  ...      DGP C S  952 030
       magnetic coupling is to be expected.         Figure 9.24.2  Example of surge protective devices for the bell controller

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