Page 431 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 431

the ground (Supplement 1 of the German DIN EN 62305-3     Barrier systems have been protected against lightning strikes
          (VDE 0185-305-3) standard) and possibly extends over the   and surges over decades to ensure faultless operation. As far
          entire cable route up to the building, damage to the cable is   as outdoor socket outlets are concerned, lightning and surge
          prevented if lightning strikes the ground.   protection measures may have to be taken at the design stage,
                                                       depending on their intended use. An earth electrode is also re-
          Sample applications in Figure 9.30.3         quired for these pieces of equipment to conduct the lightning
          If lightning strikes to external equipment can be ruled out     currents  flowing  via  DEHNshield  from  the  building  to  earth.
          (LPZ 0 B ), partial lightning currents still pose a risk when light-  Also  in  this  case,  the  interconnection  of  earth  electrodes  is
          ning hits the external lightning protection system of the main   recommended, but not mandatory. Equipment attached to the
          building. In this case, partial lightning currents may travel   building, which is directly connected to the earth-termination
                                                       system of the building and the supply line, can be protected by
          through the cables to equipment with a remote earth potential   type 2 arresters.
          (charging stations for electric vehicles, outdoor socket outlets
          and barrier systems protected by air-termination rods).  An application-optimised type 1 arrester such as DEHNshield
          To ensure safe traffic flow, future concepts of charging stations   is suitable for protecting specific applications. This, however,
          for electric vehicles require high availability as is the case with   requires that the described measures are implemented consist-
          petrol stations. Since these charging stations are located out-  ently and that the technical parameters of the installation to be
          side buildings and are equipped with sensitive electrical sys-  protected are observed. A properly functioning earth-termina-
          tems, lightning protection is vital to minimise interference with   tion system, for example, is one of the most important aspects
          the installation as a result of lightning strikes and surges.  for the overall system.

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