Page 434 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 434

The main functions of safety lighting systems are the designa-  These systems feature the following interfaces:
       tion and lighting of escape routes, lighting of work stations   ¨  Power supply system;
       with a special risk until work is safely finished and lighting to   ¨  Battery cabinet;
       prevent panic.
                                                    ¨  Circuit switching elements which, in combination with the
       In the following, surge protective devices for central power   system-specific electronic ballasts of the luminaires, ensure
       supply systems (CPS) (central battery systems) are described.  continuous / standby operation (individually assigned) and
                                                       a switched permanent light in the circuit. These elements
                                                       allow to perform the required test and to monitor the in-
                                                       dividual lighting systems. Moreover, they incorporate the
                              continuous / standby circuits  required overcurrent protective devices which protect the
       LAN                        230 V a.c. / 216 V d.c.
                                 bus sub-station RS 485  ¨  Bus communication with the central battery system / sub-
       remote                                          panels;
                                                    ¨  LAN;
                                                    ¨  Remote indication;
                                                    ¨  Freely programmable inputs and outputs.
                     LAN                            In general, a risk analysis must be performed to determine
                     circuit switching              whether surge protective devices (SPDs) must be installed for
                     elements                       the interfaces. To protect the central battery system (e.g.) al-
                                                    most without risk, surge protective devices are required for all
                                                    interfaces listed above (Figure 9.31.1). In Figures 9.31.1 to
                     power supply
                                                    9.31.4 the SPDs, which are normally required to protect the
                                                    interfaces, are represented with a solid line. Surge protective
                     battery supply                 devices which are installed following a risk analysis are dotted.

       3 x 320/400 V system
       battery cabinet

        No. Surge protective device      Part No.
            BLITZDUCTOR BXT ML4 BE 24 *   920 324
            + BXT BAS base part           920 300
            DEHNpatch DPA M CLE RJ45B 48  929 121
            DEHNguard DG M TN 275         952 200
            BLITZDUCTOR BXT ML2 BD HFS 5 *  920 271
            + BXT BAS base part           920 300
            DEHNguard DG M TN 275         952 200
            DEHNguard M TNS 275 *         952 400
            DEHNguard M TT 275 *          952 310    No. Surge protective device       Part No.
       * Observe individual interfaces / system configurations  DEHNsecure DSE M 1 242 (2 x)  971 122
                                                          MVS 1 3 busbar                900 615
       Figure 9.31.1  Central battery system, feeder cable, battery cabinet
                feeder cable, bus line, remote indication line, LAN line   Figure 9.31.2  Lightning equipotential bonding for the circuits of the
                as well as continuous / standby circuit lines in LPZ 1   safety lighting system at the zone transition from the
                and in the same fire compartment              building to the ground

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