Page 454 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 454

residual current pro-  230 V socket outlet              residual current
                 tective device (RCD)  for the devices (CEE)          protective device (RCD)
          L                                                     L

          N                                                     N
                                       230 V socket
                                       outlet (CEE)

          earth-termination          without overcurrent        to metal parts in contact with
           system (ashore)              protection              the water surrounding the ship

       Figure 9.34.4  Use of an isolation transformer to prevent corrosion

       For corrosion protection reasons, the protective conductor of   If lightning strikes the air-termination rod or the metal mast
       the  shoreside  power  supply  system  must  not  be  connected   of the yacht at anchor which is supplied with electricity, the
       to the earthed metal parts of the water vehicle. The protec-  potential of this yacht is raised above the connection of the
       tive conductor of the shoreside power supply system is not   shoreside power supply system. A part of the lightning current
       required to protect persons on the yacht against electric shock   is passed to the water and flashover to the power cable of
       since an isolation transformer on the yacht ensures protection   the shoreside power supply system will occur depending on
       against electric shock in connection with a residual current   the conductivity of the water. This flashover can damage the
       protective device (Figure 9.34.4).           cables / equipment on the yacht and cause fire. However, it is
                                                    even more likely that a yacht at anchor, which is supplied with
       Equipotential bonding                        electricity, is threatened by a shoreside lightning strike. In this
       In general, all protective conductors of the board electronics   case, the lightning current flows in the direction of the yacht
       and all metal parts of yachts must be connected to the com-  and causes the damage described above.
       mon equipotential bonding / earth-termination system of the   If a type 1 combine arrester is installed, it must be ensured
       power supply system. This measure prevents dangerous touch   that the connection of the earth-termination / equipotential
       voltage / sparking. The copper protective bonding conductors,   bonding system of the yacht to the protective conductor of
       which do not carry lightning currents, must have a minimum   the shoreside power supply system does not cause corrosion.
       cross-section of 6 mm . For this purpose, stranded, solid or   The surge protective devices shown in Figure 9.34.6 consider
       flexible conductors must be used. Flexible conductors should   that the polarity (L, N) is changed, which is typical of earthed
       be preferred due to vibrations. In this context, it must be ob-  socket outlets (not standard-compliant, but may be the case).
       served that the conductors can be damaged by the corrosive   In this case, the phase conductor (L) and the neutral conductor
       environment (saline, moist) and the capillary effect. Therefore,   (N) are twisted until they reach the L and N connections of the
       the cable lug at the ends of the flexible conductors must be   on-board supply system. The increased voltage protection level
       sheathed with a heat shrinkable sleeve.      is sufficient for the electric strength of the primary winding.
                                                    Irrespective of whether a yacht is made of metal or non-met-
       Internal lightning protection / surge protection  al material, there is the risk that lightning hits, for example,
       A combined arrester, which is directly installed in the power   marine radio antennas or wind sensors installed on the mast,
       supply system, is one of the most important protection meas-  which can damage these pieces of equipment and downstream
       ures (Figure 9.34.5).  The necessity of such an arrester is   radio or evaluation devices. Since these pieces of equipment
       shown based on the following two scenarios.  are located in the protected volume (air-termination tip on the

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