Page 456 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 456

mast), it is not to be expected that lightning strikes them. Ad-
       equate surge protective devices are shown in Figure 9.34.5.  L
       The effects of induced surges and switching overvoltages
       caused by board generators and UPS systems must also be   N  shore         SDB yacht
       observed. In this case, it is advisable to use type 2 surge arrest-
       ers in the distribution board (Figure 9.34.6).  PE

       Personal protection
       The equipotential bonding measures for all connections listed
       in the above “Equipotential bonding” chapter reduce the risk                   EBB
       for persons on the yacht. In the event of a thunderstorm, per-
       sons should therefore                                                      earth plate / body
       ¨  Not stay on deck since potential differences, which present
         a risk in conjunction with wet skin, can occur due to wet   Surge protective device  Part No.
         surfaces                                        DEHNventil  DV M TN 255       951 200
       ¨  Not touch shrouds, rods or other metal objects  DEHNgap   DGP M 255          961 101
       ¨  Check the lightning protection system at regular intervals   Figure 9.34.6  Detailed view of the shoreside power supply system
         and do not wait until thunderstorm occurs. In this context,   with a lightning current carrying type 1 combined
         it is important to check whether the equipotential bond-  arrester
         ing system, namely the connection of all conductive metal
         devices on board to the lightning protection system, is in
         good order and condition.
       More detailed information can be found in the “Blitzschutz für
       Yachten” [Lightning protection for yachts ] book by Michael
       Hermann, Palstek Verlag, Hamburg, 2011 (German).

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