Page 453 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 453

Non-metal yacht
          Yachts with a wooden or GRP body require additional lightning
          protection measures.
          If the mast is made of e.g. wood, an air-termination rod with   metal mast
          a thickness of at least 12 mm must protrude at least 300 mm
          from the mast. The down conductor routed down the mast can   upper shrouds
          be made of copper and should have a minimum cross-section
          of 70 mm . It must be routed in the outdoor area of the yacht
          and connected to the earth plate. The earth plate must have   ball pin
          a surface of at least 0.25 m  and must be made of copper   screwed to
          or another saltwater-proof material. In case of large yachts,   the mast
          different earth plates may have to be used for the lightning
          protection and power supply system. In this case, a sufficient
          distance must be maintained between these earth plates to
          prevent flashover.
          If lightning strikes the air-termination rod on the non-metal
          mast, the lightning currents must be discharged to the earth
          plate via the down conductor on the mast and via the shrouds,
          stays and chain plates. To this end, the mast, shrouds, stays and
          chain plates must be connected to the earth plate. The copper
          connecting conductors must have a minimum cross-section of
          16 mm . All lightning current carrying connections may only be
          established by screwing, riveting or welding.

          Mobile lightning protection in case of a metal mast  Component  Type/material   Part No.
          A cost-effective mobile lightning protection system, which is   Universal earth-
          frequently used for occasional charters of a yacht, can be eas-  ing clamp  UEK 25 HG  774 234
          ily implemented. To this end, the lower part of the aluminium
          mast is fitted with a ball pin, which is used as down conductor.          Can be configured
          A lightning current carrying terminal, which is connected to   Multipole      via the DEHN
          two other terminals and two braided copper strips of several   earthing cable  e.g. V6TZ3N8  earthing and
          metres, is screwed to the ball pin. The terminals are connected             short-circuiting
          to the upper shrouds to use them as down conductor. The free                  configurator
          ends of both braided copper strips must be immersed at least   Earthing tongs  Stainless steel  546 001
          1.5 m in the water (Figure 9.34.3).
          All components and the relevant connections must be capa-  Braided copper   Copper  377 007
          ble of carrying lightning currents and must be corrosion-proof.   strip
          This protection measure can be quickly implemented when   Figure 9.34.3  Mobile lightning protection for a yacht with a metal
          a thunderstorm approaches and provides a certain protec-  mast
          tion against lightning strikes. It is not entirely clear to what
          extent mobile lightning protection systems provide protection
          for yachts since the normative requirements for equipotential   power supply circuits (shoreside power supply system) of wa-
          bonding (personal protection), separation distances, etc. are   ter sport vehicles and house boats supplied by public utilities.
          not observed. It can only be assumed that lightning damage   Water sport vehicles include boats, ships, yachts, motor launch-
          such as punctures of the body can be prevented since most of   es and house boats which are exclusively used for sports and
          the lightning current flows through the braided copper strips   leisure activities.
          into the water. Therefore, a fixed lightning protection system   The information provided only refers to single-phase alternat-
          always has to be preferred.                  ing current power supply systems in a 230 V/50 Hz system (it
                                                       can be also used for three-phase power supply systems in a
          Power supply system                          modified form). The relevant socket outlets up to 63 A must
          The  IEC  60364-7-709  (HD  60364-7-709)  standard  (marinas   comply with the IEC 60309-2 (EN 60309-2) standard (CEE de-
          and similar locations) describes the special requirements for   sign, “blue”).

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