Page 10 - Arc Guard System - TVOC-2
P. 10


          2.1    Introduction                                 Table 2  Safety standards
                                                              Directive          Description
          This chapter describes the safety principles and    IEC/61508 SIL 2    Functional safety of electrical
          procedures to be used when working with the Arc Guard                  programmable electronic safety-
          System™ or the Arc Monitor. It does not cover how                      related systems
          to design for safety nor how to install safety related   IEC/EN 60947-1  Low voltage switchgear and
          equipment. The chapter first presents applicable safety                contractor - General
          standards. Finally the chapter finishes with information   IEC/EN 60947-5-1  Low voltage switchgear and
          about how to work in safety manner.                                    contractor - Control circuit devices
                                                                                 and switching elements
                                                              IEC/EN 61010-1     Safety requirements for electrical
          2.2    Applicable safety standards                                     equipment
                                                              IEC 61000-6-2 (2005)  Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)-
                                                                                 Immunity for industrial
          2.2.1    Safety standards                                              environments
                                                              IEC 61000-6-4 (2006)  Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)
                                                                                 - Emission standard for industrial
          This product was developed, designed and certified with                environments
          regard to improved reliability and integrity by using safety   IEC 61326-1 (2005)  Electrical equipment for measurement
          principles and structures according to IEC 61508, SIL2.  IEC 61326-3-1  and control Electrical equipment,
                                                                                 control and laboratory use (EMC)
          The Arc Monitor has improved safety to fulfill the safety   IEC TS 61000-6-5  Electromagnetic compatibility -
          standards specified in the following directives:                       immunity power stations
                                                                                 and substation environments
          Table 1  Safety standards
          Directive         Description                       2.3    Safety signs
          2006/95/EC        Low voltage equipment
          2004/108/EC       Electromagnetic compatibility     This section specifies all dangers that may arise from
                                                              performing the work detailed in the manual.
          2.2.2    Personal safety                                  WARNING
                                                                    Caution symbol indicates the presence of a
               INFORMATION                                          hazard which could result in personal injury.
               This product has been designed for environment       WARNING
               A. Use of this product in environment B may          Warning symbol indicates the presence of
               cause unwanted electromagnetic disturbances          a hazard which could result in damage to
               in which case the user may be required to take       equipment or property.
               adequate mitigation measures.

                                                              Make sure that the supply voltage has been switched off
          •  Environment A relates to low-voltage non public   before connecting!
            or industrial networks, locations and installations   Working with high voltage is potentially lethal. Persons
            including highly disturbing sources.
                                                              subjected to high voltage may suffer cardiac arrest, burn
          •  Environment B relates to low-voltage public networks   injuries, or other severe injuries. To avoid these hazards,
            such as domestic, commercial and light industrial   do not proceed working before removing the power to the
            locations, installations. Highly disturbing sources such   Arc Guard System.
            as arc welders are not covered by this environment.
                                                              Arc Guard System™ and Arc Monitor are designed
                                                              to protect people and installation equipment. Install
          To ensure safety and quality the Arc Monitor has been   your system components and Arc Monitor before
          tested according to the following standards:        supplying power.
                                                              DIP switches are used to activate Current Sensing Unit
                                                              (CSU-2), auto reset and assigning trip contacts. Changing
                                                              DIP switch can cause consequences with the Arc Guard
                                                              Make sure you understand the consequences of changing
                                                              DIP switches.

                                                              More information regarding DIP switches,
                                                              See: “DIP switches” on page 29.
                                                                    Information sign alerts the reader to relevant
                                                                    facts and conditions.
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