Page 11 - Arc Guard System - TVOC-2
P. 11


          2.4    Work in safety manner                        2.4.2     Storage

          Safe working methods must be used to prevent        Storage in original package requires a temperature range
          injuries. The safety equipment must not be disengaged,   of between, -25C° to +70C° (-13F to + 158F) and a humidity
          bypassed or in any other way modified so that the safety   maximum 95%.                                     02
          effect ceases.
                                                              2.4.3     Limitation of liability
          2.4.1    Handling the Arc Monitor
                                                              The safety information in this manual must not be
          The Arc Monitor may only be used for the purposes
          mentioned in this manual. The Arc Monitor was developed,   considered as a guarantee from ABB that the equipment
          manufactured, tested and documented in accordance with   cannot cause accidents or injury, even if all the safety
          applicable safety standards. If you follow the instructions   instructions have been observed.
          regarding safety and use as described in this manual, the
          product will, in the normal case, neither cause personal   2.5   Security guidelines
          injury nor damage to machinery and equipment.
          To avoid malfunctions or damage through improper
          handling, follow these instructions during transportation,
          installation and maintenance:                       2.5.1     Security disclaimer
          •  Transport with care. Do not drop, throw, or give the
            Arc Monitor a strong shock. It can cause breakage   This product is designed to be connected to and to
                                                              communicate information and data via a network
            or failure.                                       interface. It is your sole responsibility to establish and
          •  Handle with care. Do not drop, throw, or give the   maintain any appropriate measures (such as but not
            Arc Monitor a strong shock. It can cause breakage   limited to the installation of firewalls, application of
                                                              authentication measures, encryption of data, installation
            or failure.                                       of anti-virus programs, etc.) to protect the product, the
          •  The Arc Monitor is installed by authorized       network, its system and the interface against any kind
            personnel only.                                   of security breaches, unauthorized access, interference,
                                                              intrusion, leakage and/or theft of data or information.
          •  This manual is a part of the Arc Monitor and should   ABB Ltd and its affiliates are not liable for damages
            always be accessible to personnel working with    and/or losses related to such security breaches, any
            this product.                                     unauthorized access, interference, intrusion, leakage and/
                                                              or theft of data or information.
          •  Read and understand the manual thoroughly before
            performing any installation or commissioning.
                                                              2.5.2     Risk Mitigation and Secure
          •  Excessive amounts of dust on the optical detectors         Deployment
            can lead to a degradation of detection. When regular
            inspections are made, it is recommended also to   To prevent equipment to operate in an unsafe or
            inspect the detectors. Clean with dry cloth if needed.  undesirable manner due to malicious activities the TvOC-
                                                              2 unit must be positioned in a trusted network, strictly
          •  CSU-2 is constantly sending light to the CSU-2 input at   limited and in a hosted portion of a network or control
            the Arc Monitor during normal conditions (for safety   system.
            and reliability reasons). The light might decrease over   When a Serial to Ethernet Converter is used, the user is
            time and should be checked every year by a manual   responsible for creating a defence-indepth protection for
            diagnostic test. See more information in chapter   each network by allocating firewall solutions to the front
            Maintenance and in HMI functions.                 of internal trusted networks of each network by manage
                                                              firewalls, their configurations and access rules.
          •  A log is kept that indicates if the light level had
            decreased below a certain level. If so, the Current   For secure remote access, use a vPN connection with
            sensing unit should be replaced within the next   an encryption layer to create a secure channel over an
                                                              insecure network. Separate the management systems
            6 months.
                                                              and connections to separate network segments with all
          •  The safety of the system will not be affected if the   necessary cybersecurity features on and deny all other
            Current sensing unit is not replaced. However, when   connectivity mechanisms from automation systems to
            the light level becomes too low then the Arc Monitor   restrict unauthorized access.
            will recognize this as a high current situation. And   The user of the product should be aware that the
            then the system functions as if there was a no    unsecure nature of the serial Modbus protocol exposes
            current condition, that is, trip on light at optical   the communication between the product and the control
                                                              system. Authentication and integrity of transmitted
            detectors only.
                                                              information is not provided by the protocol.
          Configuration is done with DIP switches, settings of   The main security is provided through monitoring the
          parameters and controlling of configuration is done    cybersecurity, topology (asset management) and correct
          in the HMI.                                         operation of the data networks using the cybersecurity
                                                              monitoring modules and features of the firewalls and
                                                              managed switches.
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