Page 15 - Arc Guard System - TVOC-2
P. 15


          3.2.1    Arc Monitor                                      INFORMATION
                                                                    DIP Switch 1 or/and 2 must be configured if the
          The Arc Monitor is the heart in the system and handles    CSU-2 is in use.
          signalling and detection. The HMI handles conditions,
          errors, and more. The system can be configured to trip    To read more about the CSU-2 configuration;
          selected breakers, depending on which detector detects
          light. The DIP-switches that take care of this function   See: “One (1) CSU-2 connected” on page 31.
          also handle settings like auto-reset and Current Sensing
          Units. Energy is stored in the Arc Monitor for operation   3.2.6   Current Sensing Unit output
          up to 20ms for TvOC-2-48. This is sufficient to close the                                                   03
          tripping contacts even during a short time of power loss.  This output is used to pass the CSU-2 signal forward to
                                                              another Arc Monitor.
          3.2.2    Human Machine Interface, HMI and
                   HMI-COM                                    3.2.7     External HMI connection

                                                              HMI can be mounted separately or a second module can
          The Human Machine Interface is used for all         be connected (option).
          communication with the user and also to confirm any
          changes. It can be mounted both on the product and on     INFORMATION
          the cabinet door (not HMI-COM). This is preferred to be   Only use the included 3 meter (118 inch) cable
          able to get information about trips without opening the   for communication.
          cabinet after a trip. The HMI has a non-erasable memory
          which holds trip logs and error logs even after power loss
          including a time stamp. HMI-COM is a connected version    To learn more about the HMI functions;
          of HMI available using Modbus RTU. HMI-COM shall not be   See: “5 Human Machine Interface (HMI)” on
          mounted on the door.                                      page 37.

          The Arc Monitor can handle a second HMI module.     3.2.8     Solid state tripping contacts (IGBT)

          3.2.3    DIP switch                                 The three solid state trip contacts, K4, K5 and K6 are used
                                                              to trip the circuit breakers. This will stop the energy from
          The DIP switch is a physical switch on the Arc Monitors   feeding the arc.
          front. DIP switches are used to activate the CSU-2,
          auto reset and assigning trip contacts. DIP switch   At normal condition:
          configuration is only possible in power off mode.
                                                              •  K4 Open, no arc detected

          3.2.4    Detector Inputs                            •  K5 Open, no arc detected

          Detector inputs are used to connect the detectors to the   •  K6 Open, no arc detected
          Arc Monitor. There are two types of detectors. One type
          that is used for the base unit and E1/E3 extension module.
          A second type of detectors with a duplex fiber is used
          solely for the E6-S extension module.

          3.2.5    Current Sensing Unit input

          The Current Sensing Unit (CSU-2) is an accessory needed
          only in those few specific applications where strong light
          is expected on a regular basis. Current Sensing Units are
          connected with an optical fiber using light as signal for
          normal current. If the connection to CSU-2 is lost an error
          message will appear on the HMI display after 10 seconds.
          The safety function of the Arc Guard System™ will not
          be affected.
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