Page 331 - Din prodcuts 2020
P. 331


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 DSE201 M, unique solution  DSE201 M, unique solution

 Features, which make operations friendly  Distinctive features

          With its breaking capacity of 10kA in only one module   larly required. The unique earth fault indicator window
          width and 115mm height, DSE201 M series is the perfect   identifies any earth fault trip, making easier the trouble-
          solution for a complete protection in commercial and in-  shooting on the network and reducing the downtime for
          dustrial applications, where space optimization is particu-  maintenance.

         Device status at a glance          Double slot terminal               Load side
         Earth fault indicator: blue window above  Easy to install. Fail-safe line side termi-  Load side terminal accepts cables,
         the toggle to immediately detect and   nal to avoid improper connection. Two   both rigid and flexible up to 16 mm .
         identify any earth fault trip, reducing   slots of different dimensions (35 mm    Flying leads are straight instead of
         downtime for maintenance. Contact po-  and 10 mm ) available to allow the con-  pigtail ones to reduce the space
         sition indicator (CPI): green/red window   nection both with cables and busbars.   required for wiring operations.
         below the toggle to identify the real po-
         sition of the contacts independently on
         the toggle position.

         Easy and flexible                  Smart case                         Smart package
         Double and bistable clips with a design   Main technical information are laser-  Instruction manual printed inside the
         for a secure fixing in any type of   printed on the front and left side of prod-  box with no additional paper wasted.
         consumer unit or distribution board.   uct to ensure long readability. On the right   Packaging is glue-less and takes ad-
         Easy removal from a cluster of RCBOs/  side, the tightening torque and the strip-  vantage of the adhesive label contain-
         MCBs supplied with Busbars.        ping length of the cable for a correct and   ing the order information.
                                            safety installation of the unit are molded.
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