Page 635 - Din prodcuts 2020
P. 635
Contact position indication Wide range of accessories PATENTED – Housing Design
The switch disconnector SD 200 is SD 200 is fully compatible to the com- By using state-of-the-art housing ma-
suited with a real contact position indi- plete range of System pro M compact terial, ABB is taking care of the envi-
cation (real CPI). You can easily iden- accessories like ronment. With the latest generation of
tify, if the SD 200 is in the ON or the • Auxiliary contacts, to be mounted on halogen free thermoplastics for
OFF position – easy and safe mainte- the left side, the right side or bottom SD 200 it’s possible to recycle the
nance work is possible. fitting switch disconectors completely with-
The position of the toggle and the red/ • Shunt trips out environmental pollution. The mate-
green display leaves no doubt about • Undervoltage release rial works for the stability.
the present switching position, while • Motor operating devices
the latter offers additional security, as
the exact position of the inner con-
tacts is always displayed.Thus, the de-
vice always supplies reliable informa-
tion in the event of an error.
Laser printing Highest performance PATENTED – IP 20 finger safe termi-
All labels on the SD 200, as the approv- With a rated voltage of 253/440 V AC, nals
als on the dome, technical details and a rated conditional short-circuit cur- The SD 200 are equipped with 35 mm
the product identification, are printed rent of 25 kA, terminals with protec- and 10 mm cylinder lift twin terminals
by a laser. The laser printing ensures tion from misconnection, a “Real CPI” for challenging industrial use. Cross
a friction, scratch and solvent resistant switching position display, as well as wiring can easily be realized by insert-
marking on the switch disconectors full compatibility with all MCB accesso- ing the busbars into the rear terminal
for easy identification in case of main- ries, the SD 200 is unique in its field of part and the incoming wires into the
tenance or replacements. For control application. SD 200 comply with IEC/ front part.
and acceptance procedure it is impor- EN 60947-3.
tant to see all markings also in the
mounted position.