Page 737 - Din prodcuts 2020
P. 737


          Control and automation
          Load management relay

                                    Technical characteristics
                                    Rated voltage Un                    [Vac]  230 (-15%/+10%)
                                    Rated frequency                     [Hz]   50/60
                                    Rated capacity In                   [A]    32
                                    Power consumption                   [VA]   4
                                    Type of display                            backlit LCD
                                    Resolution                          [kW]   0.01                                    7
          LCR                       Display dimensions                  [mm]   27 × 23
                                    Non-priority load
                                    Regulating thresholds               [kW]   0.8..7
                                    Resolution of threshold             [kW]   0.1
                                    Delay of loads disconnection        [sec]  0..9999
                                    Delay between one connection and the next one  [sec]  0..9999
                                    Alarm notification                         LED // buzzer
                                    Relay output
                                    Rated current                       [A]    16
                                    Rated voltage                       [Vac]  250
                                    Climatic conditions
                                    Storage temperature                        -10°C to +65°C
                                    Operating temperature                      -10°C to +45°C
                                    Relative humidity                          max. 90% (non-condensing)
                                    Protection degree
                                    At terminals                               IP20
                                    On the front panel                         IP51
                                    Max cable cross-section
                                    rigid                               [mm ]  4
                                    flexible                            [mm ]  6
                                    Modules (18mm)                      [No.]  2

                                    Load management relay - LCR
                                    Installed downstream of the main circuit-breaker, it compares the actual power consumption
                                    of the system to a preset maximum permitted value. Additionally, the load management re-
                                    lay prevents tripping of the main circuit-breaker by sequentially switching off one non-prior-
                                    ity load when the preset threshold is exceeded. One red LED and an integrated buzzer indi-
                                    cate the load OFF conditions. At preset time intervals, the device automatically attempts to
                                    reconnect the previously disabled load.
                                    Note: In unbalanced three phase systems same function of LCR can be implemented via DM-
                                    TME multimeters. Digital outputs of the multimeter can be set to trip with an user defined
                                    delay to switch off - by means of external contactors - non prioritary loads of arbitrary con-
                                    sumption. See for details in Chapter 8 of Electrical installation solutions for buildings.

                                    Rated current  Bbn                                        Price  Weight  Pack
                                                  8012542                                   1 piece  1 piece  unit

                                    A             EAN          Type code   Order code                 kg     pc.
                                    32            299011       LCR         2CSM229901R1311          0.135     1
   732   733   734   735   736   737   738   739   740   741   742